A Buddhist Tale? Lindsay, Bristol and Mel

Just as I was "getting" and "living" the Buddhist principle of "Right Speech," the third of the eight path factors in the Noble Eightfold Path, along came Lindsay, Bristol and Mel.
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Just as I was "getting" and "living" the Buddhist principle of "Right Speech," the third of the eight path factors in the Noble Eightfold Path, along came Lindsay, Bristol and Mel.

Just as I was beginning to ingest the tenants of Sufi speech ...
Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?
... Along came Lindsay, Bristol and Mel ...

And I am pulled in, hopelessly and dramatically sucked in. Impulsively and hastily, I post the US Weekly link on my Facebook page -- making sure that all my peeps are in the know.

I try my best to pay attention to Judy Woodruff's smart words on the PBS NewsHour, but for Gawd's sake, never mind that the world is ending, what about Bristol and Levi? Nothing about Lindsay or Mel?

I frantically surf the channels seeking the latest reports. Perhaps The Insider will shed some new light on the topic. How about Entertainment Tonight? No? It's the same story over and over again. Mary Hart, Mary Hart, you have let me down!

No new news, but YAY, alas something new to look at! Might Kathy Griffin's youtube video provide an alternative view, a new perspective on the matters at hand? Will she be crushed and inconsolable? After all she and Levi dated! But alas, she wisely uses the opportunity to plug her book and TV show.

Depleted, exhausted, I flop on my bed and stare at the ceiling and reflect on all the time I've spent (or wasted) on this unholy trilogy.

What is it about Lindsay, Mel and Bristol that makes them oh so irresistible?

Is it just 'cause they're pretty? There's something to be said for eye candy. Outstanding -- the lot of them. And Bristol -- OMG -- times three! Have you ever seen a prettier family then Bristol, Levi and Little Tripp?

What about the mother/daughter angle? Come on -- confess! Wouldn't you have wanted to be a fly on that wall when the US Weekly story broke? Supposing it were true, and Sarah Palin didn't know that Bristol and Levi were back together again. Wow! This mother/daughter team trumps Lindsay and her mom, Dina, by a mile!

Are we sucked in and totally fascinated, because we knew them when? Could there be anyone cuter, more adorable or freckled times two, then Lindsay playing both Hallie and Annie in the 1998 remake of The Parent Trap? So sweet. So cute. Where'd that Lindsay go? Did she ever exist?

And OMG, how about Mel starring as Tim? Tim was simple with heart. And -- OMG -- let's not forget Mel as Braveheart. Do you remember the deep love and devotion he had for his dead wife, murdered by those heathens? It's just too incongruous with the real Mel to deal with. Could he be so different?

Can I stop watching? For the moment, yes. And, I am doing my best to eliminate OMG from my vocabulary. I am ready to return to right speech, in all manners of speaking.

What this article true? There were no falsehoods.
Was it necessary? If you want to be kind, you could say that I needed to confess my obsession with pop culture and it was useful, because now you can too. Confess and move on!
Was it kind? I didn't say anything mean, did I?

What's your take?

Spread the word ... NOT the icing,


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