National Hug Day: Eight Essential Rules

National Hug Day: Eight Essential Rules
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Today is National Hugging Day! I've already hugged three people! And in doing so, I realized that hugging is a bit more complex than just grabbing someone and squeezing! Not everyone welcomes a full frontal hug. Go figure.

Anyway, if you are thinking about participating in this national holiday, "Hugging Day," then there are some rules that you definitely will want to follow!

The Eight Essential Rules of Hugging!

1. Oral Hygiene:
When was the last time you brushed your teeth? Gargled? Flossed? What did you last eat? Is the smell of onion still lingering? Please, good oral hygiene is an absolute must!

2. Body Hygiene:
Do you smell good? Did you workout and now you're all sweaty? No sweat please.

3. Eye Contact:
You definitely want to make eye contact with someone before you hug it out! Friendly hugs require a brief eye-to-eye. Romantic hugs require a long-lasting simmer.

4. The Gentle Lean:
Best to lean in gently and slowly as you wrap your arms around the "huggee," lest you overwhelm them.

5. The Positioning of the Arms:
Either above or below the other person's arms is acceptable. Needless to say, if their arms are hanging by their sides, get out quick.

6. No Squishing, No Bear Hugs:
Remember, this is a gentle, sweet hug. Firm is one thing, but squishing is another! And bear hugs ... for goodness sake, we're not trying to squeeze the breath out of each other!

7. No Back Patting:
Back patting can lead to burping and it's just not good feng shui -- breaks the loving energy!

8. Body Language:
Pay attention to your huggee's body language. When they begin to let go, you let go as well. Not to worry, this is not your last hug ever!

Spread the hug , not the icing!

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