Nothing to Snore at: Pete Blackshaw Urges we "Get Back to Boring"

Nothing to Snore at: Pete Blackshaw Urges we "Get Back to Boring"
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Good column in Ad Age from Pete Blackshaw, EVP of Online Digital Strategic Services at Neilsen, which echoes what Rupert Murdoch had to say about the blinding effects of all the technology razzle-dazzle in new media today. Says Pete: "We've got too much sizzle in the system right now."

Pete has been looking back at "timeless truths" in advertising in connection with his efforts to help found a Museum of Advertising in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, of course, is home to Proctor & Gamble which has been the source of many advertising truths. He is reminded that the very first Ivory Soap ad invited participation from consumers and that Bill Cosby refused a script for his first commercial in order to be more authentic. It leads him to suggest that "Maybe things haven't changed that much at all," and, further, to propose that:

"Social media and digital marketing will only succeed -- and sell through the organizational layers -- if we ground it in deeper, more established marketing truths, not ephemeral campaigns, one-trick pony moments, or hypocritical oaths or proclamations."

Commentors to the post heartily agree:

"Couldn't agree more Mr. Blackshaw. If I hear one more brand person say that their brand needs to start having a "dialogue" with its consumers, I am going to lose it!!"


"I'm sick to death of the marketing media's obsession with the latest shiny new object, Social Media, and grateful that someone with your impressive and relevant credentials has had the guts to point out that there's a certain element of "Emperor's New Clothes."

Pete Blackshaw and the supporting crowd are predominantly about social media and marketing. His comments and the others resonate across the new media landscape, however, as Murdoch's comments earlier in the week from Abu Dhabi confirm.

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