Finally! LinkedIn University and Company Pages Merge

LinkedIn has listened to us. They're streamlining the experience and merging University and Company Pages, making it easier to reach all your followers at once. The merger includes real-time analytics, curating comments, and all marketing tools you were used to with LinkedIn Company Pages, including the ability to sponsor content and integrating LinkedIn into your digital marketing strategy.
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2016-09-14-1473867562-2475029-linkedin689760_1280.jpg Until now, universities have created and maintained a LinkedIn Company Page and LinkedIn University Page. Each presence had different features and a different layout, which made for a confusing experience. The Company Page was geared more towards employees with general information and announcements, but included Showcase Pages highlighting campus programs and departments. Way too confusing, right?

LinkedIn has listened to us. They're streamlining the experience and merging University and Company Pages, making it easier to reach all your followers at once. The merger includes real-time analytics, curating comments, and all marketing tools you were used to with LinkedIn Company Pages, including the ability to sponsor content and integrating LinkedIn into your digital marketing strategy.

Are you the manager or admin of your LinkedIn Pages? Look for an email soon that will explain all changes and when to expect your brand new page to arrive. Some of the more significant changes are the removal the Notable Alumni feature and Recommendations, which gives alumni power to write recommendations about their alma mater. However, the LinkedIn Alumni tool will still be available and that's key to most institutions going forward with LinkedIn.


On Thursday, September 15th, 2016, LinkedIn will make all existing University Pages read-only, which means any updates or changes made thereafter will need to be made to the new page as well. And in case you're wondering, no you will not lose any followers on either page! LinkedIn plans to combine your Company Page and University Page followers when the new page is ready.

Watch your inbox for an email from LinkedIn soon, have fun with your new page and let me know your thoughts on the new design.

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