On <i>Lost</i>: "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

Who has just moved up to the number one spot on the all-time "Most Evil T.V. Bad Guys" list? Ben Linus. Just when we felt like we could trust him.
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Who has just moved up to the number one spot on the all-time "Most Evil T.V. Bad Guys" list? Ben. Just when we felt like we could trust him and actually feel for him, he goes and stabs (strangles) the back of John Locke. Now I have personally met and talked to Michael Emerson on many occasions and I will say he is one of the nicest, most gracious, and funniest people I have ever met. But I seriously think I hate Benjamin Linus. If he actually succeeded in killing Penny, I may have to kill him myself. Especially since John Locke easily believes that conniver every time.

Anyone that knows me knows that I love John Locke. I am a John Locke fan and his character is what drew me into the show. I think the wheelchair scene in "Walkabout" was most people's "I love this show" moment. Not only was that the moment that got me hooked, it was the moment that made Locke the character I felt for most. It made me want to root for him the most. Even Locke's musical themes are my favorites in the show. He is my lost-away soulmate. That being said, Locke needs to seriously wise up. I swear he better kick some serious Ben butt next week and in the weeks to come. I mean how many times do you need to be killed by someone? Fool you once shame on you (being shot in the gut in "Man Behind the Curtain") but fool you twice shame on you, Mr. Locke. Enact some bald man vengeance on Ben please. I won't hold it against you, I promise.

On a lighter note, I want Walt back on the Island. I think this episode proves that he needs to be there. He is having premonition dreams and still has a lot of unresolved issues. I think that the age/appearance issue has been solved since he is three years older and I think it would be great to have him back. I, for one, was very upset they ended Michael's life so quickly last season - especially because the producers/writers didn't resolve the story of Michael and Walt. If the writers could bring Walt back, I could forgive the powers-that-be for ending Michael's run.

Easter Eggs, and other notes:
  • Rousseau, and Faraday's Notes: Remember when new character Caesar the Eavesdropper was rummaging through notes and stuff at the beginning of the episode? Well there happened to be some of Rousseau's maps, and Daniel Faraday's notes on time travel from his famous notebook. Now this means that Daniel - who we have seen in the past - left his notes there. Or that is where he got the notes? Argh my head hurts.
  • The Hydra Island: This episode showed there actually was an Aljira Airways Flight 316 plane crash and that it crashed on the abandoned Hydra Station island. I believe this puts the newest passengers in the present time (2007) while we find out Hurley, Jack, and Kate got transported from the plane to what appears to be 1970's Dharma Island time.

Another great episode of a great season of Lost. What were your thoughts? Did you like or dislike this episode? Let us know in the comments below.

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