Your Friday Random-Ass Roundup

Welcome back for another installment of randomness. Feel free to offer your own reading suggestions in the comments.
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Welcome back for another installment of randomness. Feel free to offer your own reading suggestions in the comments:


Colorlines examines how the Troy Davis execution made the abolition of the death penalty a deeply personal cause.

California and Bust: Vanity Fair's Michael Lewis surveys the nation's credit crisis and municipal bond meltdown, and learns that the Golden State might be America's "scariest financial place."

The New York Times' Room For Debate asks whether food stamps should be extended to fast food. Ties in quite nicely to Mark Bittman's assertion that junk food is more expensive.

New study indicates that this generation could become the first to be less educated than its parents.

Via Feministe, Sofitel, the hotel most famous for being the place where former IMF-chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was accused of rape, has a creepy homepage pic. It advertises rooms for businessman.

In Wired's profile of Community creator Dan Harmon, he reveals that while he was researching Abed, he discovered that he might have Asperger's syndrome.

Seems like today's students lack knowledge of Civil Rights history according to the NYT. Many states received an 'F' from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Some blame states' educational standards in history while other say it's just a matter of running out of time. It's unclear if the SPLC's definition of civil rights movement includes other movements such as the Chicano Movement and the American Indian Movement.

NY Mag covers ageism against parents over 50 with young children in "Parents of a Certain Age"

Speaking of parents, Boston lawyer Ben Seisler apparently made quite a few trips to the sperm bank in his law school days: He recently learned that he has at least 75 children. The number is eventually expected to grow to 120 to 140 children.

Poet and math teacher José Vilson discusses four lessons teachers could learn from Jay-Z in Education Week.

Naomi Campbell says her abandonment issues are partially why she likes to hit people in their faces with cell phones. Not everyone buys it.

John Gruber, the internet's biggest Apple fan, writes a comprehensive overview of the new Kindle ecosystem, with a special focus on Amazon's new tablet, the Kindle Fire.

Writer Roxane Gay tweeted a link to a piece of her flash fiction this morning. It's creepy, haunting, and filled with strikingly beautiful images.

By now, everyone knows that the final night of the baseball regular season proved once and for all that none of us know anything. SI's Joe Posnanski recounts the evening; Tom Verducci calls it "the most thrilling 129 minutes in baseball history"; Slate's Brian Newman explains why Red Sox fans will continue to be annoying; and Michael Silver crunches some unbelievable numbers.

Jeff Pearlman responds to criticism about his new and incredibly revealing biography about late NFL great Walter Payton. "What's the point of history, if history can only be approved talking points?"

The is a collection of links from the entire PostBourgie family, and compiled and edited by J.D. Bell.

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