Writer Harlan Coben Fights Procrastination

Writer Harlan Coben Fights Procrastination
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In this brief interview, Harlan Coben lets us in on his writing patters, and has some words of encouragement for aspiring novelists.

Tell us about your latest novel. Why should we run out and get it?
Caught just came out. For the whys, go to harlancoben.com and click on the video.

Do you battle with procrastination? If so, how do you beat it?
Of course I procrastinate. Sometimes I justify it ("I need to let the idea marinate") but most days I beat it with an excellent combination of self-flagellation and self-loathing.

What's your writing schedule like? How many pages do you typically write every day? Do you use an outline?
On my best days, I get my four kids to off to school and write in the morning. I don't have a typical day and usually do many more pages toward the end (I will often write forty or fifty in one sitting to finish) and no, I don't use an outline.

What is your advice to aspiring novelist who can't get arrested but really feel their writing is strong enough?
One "Yes" can make all the "No's" disappear.

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