Sweety Star, Dylan O'Brien

Sweety Star, Dylan O'Brien
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A lot of buzz is circling the new online series, "
". I had the opportunity to interview new online star,
who plays Clevor Trevor.
Dylan, what was your life like before you starting working on the series:

Before I did Sweety High my life consisted of college applications to every film school in the country with the thought that I would become a cinematographer like my Dad....never thought in a million years I could act professionally.

Then, why did you decide to become part of "Sweety"?

I decided to be a part of Sweety High because it was a chance for me to experience acting on a professional level. Having only acted in my own work, it was an opportunity for me to see if I could act in the real world.

Tell me about your character, Clever?

Clever Trevor speaks his mind and always makes a joke at the wrong time. He's a flamboyant romantic, but he's 100% genuine.

What is like to have so many fans so early into the series' launch?

The fan base we've been able to attract in such a short time is really encouraging. I couldn't be more stoked about the launch and can't wait to see what everyone thinks.

Jeff Rivera is an entertainment reporter who blogs about young Hollywood celebrities . He is also the author of the novel, Forever My Lady(Grand Central Publishing). For more celebrity interviews, visit: www.JeffRivera.com

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