Many Moves in 5
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The body moves in all planes of motion, in a multi-chain fashion, which means every muscle and joint move throughout your day, all day. Knowing that, it is crucial to train your body to build strength in virtually every position you put it in during your training. While a lack of time appears to be the common barrier to participating in a regular fitness program, it's important to realize that you can integrate a total body routine by incorporating multi-chain moves into your program, even if you carve out only 10 minutes at a time. According to Beverly Hills based orthopedic surgeon Dr. Raj, "There are certainly notable benefits to exercising for 10 minutes. Compound movements are excellent for people who are limited with time. However, it's best to train at a slow and mindful pace so that you can achieve the benefits of the exercises without putting your body at risk for injury."

The following program is one that achieves just that. Going at a slow pace, you can perform these five moves below and hit every single muscle group from head to toe. You can choose the rep range.

Here are two approaches to this program:

a)Perform each exercise (each side) for a total of 10 reps. Super-set the exercises (back to back without breaks) and repeat all five again for 10 reps, for a total of two sets.

b)Perform each exercise (each side) for a total of 20 reps. Super-set the exercises and stick to one set. If you wish to perform a second set, you can either perform all 20 reps again, or simply cut back to 10 reps each exercise.

Either way, set a clock for 10 minutes and see what you can get through. If you complete all five exercises prior to the ten minute mark and feel exhausted, then call it a day, and avoid over-doing it.

Here are the five compound moves below. Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Be sure to look at the video demonstrations for each execution:

1)Bird Dog to Side Plank:

Starting in tabletop position with your knees directly under your hips and your shoulders over your wrists, create a neutral spine. You have two options here. You can either stay in tabletop or lift your knees off the ground to high plank for a challenge. Once you are here, grab a very light dumbbell in one hand, while you stabilize through the other hand on the floor. Extend the weighted arm forward while kicking the opposite leg back. Return your hand and leg (or foot) back down to the ground and rotate through a side plank with the weighted arm going through the center of your body before slowly raising up towards the sky. Repeat on this side before switching to the other side. Click HERE for video demonstration.

2)Lunge Curl to Airplane Chair Squat:

Starting in a lunge position with one foot forward and one foot back. Be sure to have your legs wide as if to be standing on train tracks. The back foot should have your heal lifted up and all ten toes facing forward. With light weight in your hands, lower down into the lunge and when you stand up, perform a bicep curl. Then, step your back foot forward to join your front foot, bringing your feet and knees to touch. Sit back into your heals so that your knees track over the ankles and cobra your arms back so that your shoulder blades squeeze together in your back, as if to be squeezing a pencil in between the shoulder blades. Be sure to keep your hands facing down towards the ground on the airplane. You have the option of repeating the same side, or alternating between sides with a chair airplane in between every lunge curl. Click HERE for video demonstration.

3)Down Dog to Low Lunge to Arm Press:

Starting with light weights to the sides of each hand, step both feet back to downward facing dog. Before starting the exercise, be sure that your down dog consists of relaxed shoulders, strong arms, and your feet facing forward sending your heals straight behind your toes. Once you find your stable down-dog, then inhale one leg up to the sky, finding length through the standing leg, and using the strength of your core, step the leg through to a low lunge. Inhale rise, lifting the weights up with you, driving the weights overweight as you position yourself in a stable lunge. Return the arms down through your center from overhead, to a bicep curl to the ground. Drop the weights to the side of your hands, plant your hands into the ground and lift your front leg back up to a three legged dog. Then slowly return the lifted leg back to downward facing dog. Your option is to repeat on the same side or alternate between sides. Click HERE for video demonstration.

4)Curtsy Lunge to Lateral Raise:

Starting with your feet together, step your right leg back behind your left leg for a curtsy lunge and extend your arms back to fire up the triceps. Keep the bent knee aligned directly over the ankle and avoid flaring the knee out to the side. When you step back up to center, raise the arms out to a "T" or lateral raise, bicep curl the arms and then curtsy to the opposite side. Click HERE for video demonstration.

5)Push up to Hip Extension to Chest Taps:

Starting in push-up position, either on the toes or knees, activate your core and hone in on a steady breath. Place your hands wider than shoulder distance apart. On the inhale, lower down bending your elbows ninety degrees outward. On the exhale push yourself back up to starting position and lift one foot off the ground about one feet, keeping both hips squared to the ground and your lower back neutral and not hyper-extended. Pause for a moment before switching to the other leg. After you lifted both legs up, perform two chest taps with each hand, before performing another pushup. Click HERE for video demonstration.

Photo and video credits: Mr Smith

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