Stumping for God's Endorsement - Faith Based Voter Guides Scarce in '08

Churches' "values voter guides" are a staple in every election cycle, but are surprisingly scarce this close to the primaries.
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The following piece was produced by the HuffPost's OffTheBus.

While researching my last column I was reminded of a "values voter's guide" controversy from 2006, (see slides #1& #2), which received this response from People For the American Way as well as quite a bit of media attention. I cannot remember hearing of such an issue yet in this election cycle so I decided to be proactive and find one on my own. As it turns out, there is not one to find.

This triggered an ironic sense of loss because it seems that I am lamenting religious institutions getting into politics; then I found the "guide" posted by Landover Baptist Church from 2002, (see slide #3), it was just too hard to resist. After reading it, I am quite sure it shall remain relevant for them in any future election; actually, I truly hope their issues remain unsatisfactorily resolved.

The more, shall I say, "traditional" religious voter's guides that I did find are general enough in their stances as to be continuously relevant as well, however, these groups have not been motivated to update or even to promote them in relation to the 2008 race:

The only 2008 guides I found from the more prominent evangelical organizations are a toolkit from the Family Research Council, (see slide #4), and a DVD for sale from the American Family Association, (see slide #5), of the Values Voter Summit from the September 17 gathering. They offer a version that includes an interactive candidate matching section for you to choose your candidate based on your answers to prompts. Otherwise, there is nothing out there for the contemplative Christian so far in the current race.

There is one guide from the National Jewish Democratic Council (lists 3 pages of link for state races at all levels), which is a quite comprehensive, albeit issue-biased, list of congressional races. There is nothing for the Presidential race yet.

It seems that this lack of trumpeting is further proof that the religious contingent has become quite disillusioned with the party they catapulted into power. It is a standoff in the classic terms; they refuse to use their pulpits to apply pressure and the candidates refuse to ask them to do so. In this light, there is really nothing for the Democrats to do but sit back and wait to see which side gives first. A recent National Association of Evangelicals poll reveals that if Huckabee can take Iowa, he may get the coveted and contentious spot.

As I believe there is no right more basic and in no more need of constant protection than the right to vote, I offer the following non-partisan but information-packed sites and Campaigns Wikia for your perusal.

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