20 Life Lessons My Mother Taught Me

There are a million different ways to cook potatoes, all of them good. Vinegar will clean pretty much anything.
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1. Naps, store-bought desserts and electric clothes dryers are for wusses.

2. Iced tea is a food group.

3. Life is more meaningful if you have at least one dog.

4. A good, long walk will cure almost anything.

5. Redneck is not a nice word.

6. "I don't believe so," is a nice way of saying, "When hell freezes over."

7. Dr. Seuss was a literary genius.

8. People rarely choose to be poor.

9. Trying to make a decent meal with only the food currently in your pantry can be fun.

10. There are a million different ways to cook potatoes, all of them good.

11. Vinegar will clean pretty much anything.

12. Knowing where you came from -- your grandparents and great-grandparents, aunt and uncles, great-aunts and great-uncles and cousins of all kinds -- is a tremendous gift.

13. Caterpillars, worms and ants should be tip-toed around, not smushed.

14. One should not say "darn it," as it is way too close to the other phrase.

15. Using good grammar is important, but not as important as being nice.

16. It is never too late to learn to swim or take piano lessons or taste your first craft beer.

17. Hummingbirds, lady slippers and Jack-in-the-pulpits are all freaking amazing.

18. Life is not always funny, but usually it is.

19. Reverence, humility, grace, and gratitude matter.

20. Everyone has a story.


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