40 Things Every Mom Should Have and Should Know by 40

In the blink of an eye, I went from 20 to nearly 40. If you're nearing, turning or past the big 4-0, here's one for you...
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Everyone says that time goes by so fast, but I never saw it pass... it just kinda did. In the blink of an eye, I went from 20 to nearly 40. If you're nearing, turning or past the big 4-0, here's one for you...

I so enjoyed Pamela Redmond Satran's amazing Glamour article, 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30. Shockingly, I could check many of those items off my own to-do list. What's more shocking is that I'm not 30 anymore, not even close.

A whole decade has passed. Where did it go? A great husband, multiple careers, a recession, two incredible children and the blink of an eye later, I'm turning the corner on 40. There are many subtle yet life-changing differences a decade makes. So, here goes: (It may not be as elegantly stated as the original, but hey, I'm a humor columnist):

By 40, you should have...

  1. Access to a great therapist, a great dry cleaner, a great hair stylist and a great lawyer... but mostly a great therapist.

  • Cellulite that you play with when you sit "criss cross applesauce."
  • The knowledge that the position I just referred to was once un-PC-ishly called "Indian Style."
  • Enough videos and pictures of your children to fill a credenza.
  • A credenza.
  • Worry lines from every bruise, bump and first day of school that you lovingly freaked out about.
  • Gray hairs from every tantrum, debate and negotiation you lost to a toddler.
  • A designer handbag that's so pricey you would sell it on Craigslist if you didn't think someone would murder you at the pick up.
  • A designer for Target item, which you don't like and doesn't fit, but you wear anyway because you had to fight another woman for it.
  • A drawer filled with mostly unsuccessful creams/scrubs/supplements for your cellulite, stretch-marks, dark puffy circles and increasingly dry skin.
  • A cabinet filled with wraps/casts/prescriptions for your bad lower back, arthritic toe, irritable bowel, adult onset ADD or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Broken capillaries from exfoliating hard enough to erase your crows feet. Freakin' crows feet!
  • Laugh lines from being a total dork with your kids and spider veins that your kids affectionately compare to tattoos.
  • Saggy boobs that have been blown up and deflated with each pregnancy, like a Snoopy in a Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
  • A great foundation (even though you swore you'd never wear one) that's not cakey and covers redness and freckles -- also known as rosacea and age spots.
  • Enough success in parenting that you have faith you're kids will turn out okay (Well, maybe with minimal psychoanalysis.)
  • A bathing suit or shorts that you should no longer be wearing. A fact everyone is aware of but you.
  • The ability to pull off heels, flats or a ponytail with almost anything.
  • A pair of jeans that are too tight that you refuse to throw away because those 5 lbs. you haven't been able to lose this decade will come off, you just know it.
  • You've spent enough time chasing dreams to know that they can be caught. (Oh, I can be beautifully sentimental when I wanna be!)
  • By 40, you should know...
    1. When people call you ma'am, they're trying to be polite, even though it sounds REALLY rude.

  • How to cook at least a week's worth of meals. (I mean, if someone had a gun to your head.)
  • Enough about politics to have a position on healthcare and taxes, even if that position is to not have one.
  • That you DID become your parents, even though you swore you wouldn't.
  • How to throw together a bus stop/carpool appropriate outfit in under two minutes.
  • That said outfit does not need to include makeup, shoes or a bra... yes, even pants are optional.
  • How to make a man happy in five minutes or less. For your benefit... and his, but mostly yours. (Hello, there are reality shows to be watched.)
  • At least one man who knows how to satisfy you... and hopefully you're married to him.
  • That as your parents age, you need to start checking how much they tip the waitress.
  • 40 is nowhere near as old as it seemed when you were 20.
  • That most of the celebrities you wanted to be like in your 20s and 30s have things that are fake, enhanced or airbrushed.
  • That said celebs are now nearing or over 40, themselves!
  • That it's okay to have the fake hair, fake lashes, fake nails and any other falsie, if you so desire. (see 11.)
  • Gas is still funny... maybe funnier.
  • That your parents didn't know any more about raising children than you do.
  • How to get kids out the door for school in 10 minutes because YOU overslept.
  • That Spanx are like chocolate or cheese -- they make everything better.
  • That you're just like you were in your 20s, only savvier and less bendy.
  • That you can survive on two hours of sleep each night for six months.
  • That you can't fight it anymore -- You are officially a WOMAN -- and that's not such a bad thing to be.
  • Much Love,

    The almost 40, Jenny From the Blog (The Jen X Pert)

    For more Jenny check out her humor site: The Suburban Jungle
    Fan her on FB: I Love Jenny From the Blog

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