Daniel Handler's Summer Reading List

Daniel Handler's Summer Reading List
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You should have seen the look on our 9-year-old's face when I told her that Daniel Handler was going to contribute a Summer Reading List for Dinner: A Love Story. It's how I imagine my own face would have looked if, back in 1981, my dad had walked through the door and said, "Hi everyone, yeah, long day at work. I'm just gonna go upstairs and put my bathrobe on. Oh, and Andy: the Rolling Stones are going to play at your birthday party this year." Daniel Handler -- and how many people, other than close relatives, can you say this about -- has had a genuine, rock star-like impact on our oldest daughter's life. The thirteen mind-blowing books he wrote, under the pseudonym Lemony Snicket, are the books Phoebe might well remember most when she's old and forty. First of all, she read them all in about two weeks, curled up on the corner of our family room couch, and we basically didn't see or hear from her until she was done. We're talking serious, deep transportation. Second of all, these books give you faith in the human imagination. They're so beautifully, joyously done. In some ways, they're the books that opened her up to the value of darkness in a story, and of the way good and evil, and life and death, can coexist. "Imagine lemonade," Phoebe said, when I asked her to describe what the books are like. "Only with barely any sugar." Which is exactly how I would have put it, happy as I was to discover these books, too, after so many years of unrelenting cheeriness and pointless plot-iness and overweening cutesiness and, as Phoebe suggests, way too much sugar. (I'm not naming names.) You can never accuse Daniel Handler of ever using too much sugar. That goes for his adult books as well, and, we presume, for Why We Broke Up, the young adult book he is publishing this fall with the illustrator, Maira Kalman, with whom he has partnered before, to gorgeous results. (This is a go-to gift book for us.) We are huge Daniel Handler fans here at Dinner: A Love Story, and we're honored to have him tell us about his favorite picture books. (Plus one not-so-picture book that he couldn't resist throwing in. See: Darkness, above.) Without further ado, Daniel Handler on what your kids should be reading this summer...

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