John McCain 'Strenuously' Objects to a Gutter Ad. If He Stopped It, Would He Gain More Votes?

Faced with that North Carolina commercial linking Obama with Rev Wright, John McCain should take a page from.
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John McCain is very unhappy about the North Carolina commercial that connects Barack Obama with Rev Wright's "God bless America? God damn America" sermon. [See it here. ]

Indeed, he sent a letter to the North Carolina Republican Party leadership:

"This ad does not live up to the very high standards we should hold ourselves to in this campaign...We need to not engage in political tactics that only seek to divide the American people...Once again, it is imperative that you withdraw this offensive advertisement."

And yet the ad is about to run. [Read Joe Conason's quick history of Floyd Brown, the nasty piece of work behind it.]

I'm reminded of the courtroom scene in "A Few Good Men," when Demi Moore makes an objection, is overruled, and makes the objection a second time, this time "strenuously".

Later, co-counsel Tom Cruise mocks Moore:

"I strenuously object" --- is that how it works? Objection. Overruled. No, no, no, no, I strenuously object. Oh, well, if you strenuously object, let me take a moment to reconsider.

John McCain and Demi Moore: equally ineffective.

The difference? Demi Moore was sincere. McCain? You could make the argument --- and many have --- that McCain really wants the ad to run but must distance himself from it.

If so, too bad. McCain has much more to gain by stopping the ad. But writing a letter or making a phone call won't do it.

This might:

Accompanied by a television news crew, McCain strides into the office of North Carolina GOP Chairwoman Linda Daves.

McCain: "Linda, that commercial is beneath us. I want you to take it off the air --- immediately. I want you to assure me that it will stay off the air. And that there will be no other gutter commercials in this campaign."

If Daves agrees, McCain looks like a great leader instead of a pol who uses operatives to sling mud he can't.

If Daves doesn't cave, she's handing McCain a second golden opportunity.

McCain: "Hear me, Linda. I am the Party's candidate for President. I have a certain influence. Keep that ad running, and I will do everything in my power to have you removed as North Carolina's Chairwoman. Are we clear?"

Daves probably wouldn't have the wit to say, "Crystal." But the audience watching McCain kick her ass on national TV will hear the echo of the brilliant line that Aaron Sorkin wrote for Tom Cruise's dissection of Jack Nicholson.

And, I bet, McCain would zoom in the polls and --- at least for the moment --- lure who knows how many independent voters and on-the-fence Democrats to his campaign.

It's the sort of stunt, if their allegiances were reversed, that Barack Obama would warm to.

McCain? Here's betting this commercial will run and run.

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