The Month in Viral

As's resident "viral scientist," I investigate how the most contagious items on the Web enter our hearts, minds and inboxes.
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As BuzzFeed's resident "viral scientist," I investigate how the most contagious items on the Web enter our hearts, minds and inboxes. So join me as we take a look at the most viral stories of September and fondly remember all things Kanye.

Kanyegate '09

This month's superstar is the internet's gift that keeps on giving: Kanye West.
One MTV Music Awards outburst solidified Kanye's place in Web culture and even caught the attention of the world's most powerful Web celeb. His awkward interruption of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech became its own Photoshop meme and sparked a series of popular posts, eclipsing the death of actor Patrick Swayze and even inspired the Prez to call him a jackass...on video! West later apologized on Leno, but inspired yet another Web phenomenon: The Kanye West Apology Generator. Thus it must be said: Listen internet, we're happy for you and all, but Interrupting Kanye was one of the best viral stories all month.


The Emmys Sort of Happened


This year's Emmy's didn't stand a chance against Kanyegate '09, but did show a decent Web presence thanks to Sarah Silverman's facial hair. Emmy host, Neil Patrick Harris, also proved that making fun of the Internet is totally hot on the Internet.

Gays and Teabaggers


Much like Kanye, those pesky Teabaggers are an endless source of entertainment. This month's Tax Day protests birthed gems like the Teabagger sign translations and a much-shared round-up of the best signs from the March on Washington. Not to be outdone, however, the gays hit it big with some protest snark and awell-placed Bible quote.

Obama-Wan Kenobi


Barack Obama -- the most viral of all Presidents -- got his very own photoshop meme this month, inspired by an epic photo of him brandishing a lightsaber on the White House lawn. Needless to say, meme hilarity ensued.

F-Bombs All Around


Another magical moment in local NY media: Fox's Ernie Anastos dropped possibly the weirdest on-camera f-bomb, later immortalized as an inspirational poster. Over on NBC, new SNL cast-member, Jenny Slate, snuck into the viral ranks with the clip of her infamous show debut. Network censors be damned, the Web proved we will forgive any f-slip if followed directly by an adorable blowfish face.

Cute Kids and Marshmallows Made Us All Gooey


Despite all the f-bombs and Teabagger insanity, when it comes to cute videos, the Web delivered just as it always does. This month in the form of children being tempted with marshmallows. Enough sadistic enjoyment to carry you into October....

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