You've Found Someone: Now What? Relationship Management for Busy New Yorkers

One of Knox's goals is to get people outside of their comfort zones. "You want to be a little uncomfortable," he explains. "That creates conversation, laughter, adventure."
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Couples Consolidated CEO and founder, Brenndon Knox knows a thing or two about dating in New York. "Every day there are new ways to meet someone -- from Tinder to HowAboutWe -- but who is there to keep your little black book in order?" Enter Knox's New York dating concierge service (with plans to scale in the country's most cosmopolitan cities). "When you finally meet someone you want to be able to relax and breathe," says Knox. But dating in New York leaves no room for error, where the next best thing is literally around the corner. "There's so much pressure to impress the person you're dating. We have your back."

"The Secretary of Date," Brenndon Knox:

The administrative tasks that accompany dating -- like finding "underground" activities that showcase your social capital and street-smart prowess are part of Knox's new service, which launches just in time for Valentine's Day. So forget about dinner and a movie, and let Couples Consolidated handle the legwork. One or both parties can subscribe to the service, which through a series of quizzes and phone conversations with a personalized dating concierge provides the ultimate date night. Packages range from $20-$800 and offer clients a range of curated dates as well as coordination and third-party referrals upon request. "We come up with ideas and take care of the logistics so you can just focus on your date and enjoy quality time together."

One of Knox's goals is to get people outside of their comfort zones. "You want to be a little uncomfortable," he explains. "That creates conversation, laughter, adventure." If dating is buying into an experience, now you can outsource the minutiae and skip to the good parts.

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