Why Do Presidential Elections in the USA Take Forever?

In the United Kingdom, when the prime minister calls an election, it can take as little as one month to complete. In France, the national election campaign takes about four months.
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As of this writing there are more than 450 days till the USA election, yet it's the dominant story in most American media. Four-hundred-and-fifty days of Republican talking points.

Four-hundred-and-fifty days of bashing Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton and other Democrats and Donald Trump and each other.

Four-hundred-and-fifty days of more than likely very little happening in terms of governance.

Why does it take so long?

The media certainly plays a huge role.

In the United Kingdom, when the prime minister calls an election, it can take as little as one month to complete.

In France, the national election campaign takes about four months.

Recently in Canada, the Prime Minister proclaimed the country will hold its national election in just 11 weeks -- tiny by U.S. standards, yet the longest campaign in Canadian history.

Crazy, eh?

What the fuck, America?

Granted, the major reason it takes Americans so long to vote is the American primary system. But still, the first primary isn't until January in Iowa. The campaign season started in spring and with the debates starting the cycle is in full swing.

It's the summertime.

It doesn't make sense.

You really have to blame the media elites and pundits.

It keeps them in the one percent and keeps us diluted and distracted.

It also keeps lobbyists and behind-the-scenes private sector campaign staffers working.

It's all connected to the media. And special interests. And punditry.

All while keeping Washington D.C. in perpetual gridlock in terms of governance.

It's almost like the elite want to keep us poor, unemployed, uneducated and barely governed -- yet veiled in a wild and ironic media stream blasting the importance of government, education, and job creation.

This couldn't have been the vision of our founding fathers like Jefferson and Adams.

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