Aloha, Turdblossom?

Karl Rove NEVER does anything without a complete strategic plan. He's leaving because he wants to spend more time with his family? No one even knew he HAD a family!
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As our evil villain rides slowly off into the sunset, the townspeople breathe a collective sigh of relief.

"Our town will be safe now that he's gone," announces the sheriff, as the setting sun glints off his lawman's badge. Everyone cheers and heads back to their little homesteads, feeling safe and secure in the knowledge that right has triumphed.

And we all know what happens in the movies after that scene, right?

The defeated evil-doer returns to take his revenge!

How could he not have been chastened by his initial defeat? How could he be so bold as to return to the land that made it clear he was not welcome?

If ever there was a political villain who would not be chastened, it is Karl Rove. As with all good villains, he has many aliases -- aka Turdblossom, Bush's Brain, The Architect.

But if there is one thing I know for sure about this particular brand of bad guy, it's this -- Karl Rove NEVER does anything without a complete strategic plan. He's leaving because he wants to spend more time with his family? No one even knew he HAD a family!

He's leaving because the the current Chief of Staff told White House employees that if they stayed after Labor Day he would consider that a commitment through to January 2009? Like the man that Bush can't operate without would be pushed around by someone just because of his title?

Do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck?

There is one thing I believe about all this -- it's part of a master plan, we just don't know what it us yet, though I have my suspicions and it can be summed up in two words -- Mitt Romney.

Sure, Rove says he has no plans and all the campaigns claim they're not interested. But let's not forget the following:

1. A large portion of Jeb Bush's former staff from his days as Florida governor now work for Romney.

2. Doro Bush Koch, the president's daughter, has already held at least one fundraiser for Romney.

Would it be too much of a stretch to think that since the Bush's have already put their behind-the-scenes imprimatur on Romney, that this is just the next step?

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Let's talk in a year and see who much 'family time' Rove's wife and son are getting while the Republican Party that Rove conceived and gave birth to struggles for air.

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