Hey, DNC Big Tent -- Where's My Logo??

I sure hope things for the rest of the convention are a bit more organized. But all I'm asking at this point is for a little logo love that I paid for in support of the 2008 Democratic Convention spirit!
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As many of my blogger friends head off to Denver this week to cover the Democratic convention, I am steeped in a little melancholy. I was planning to go as a credentialed blogger with my MOMocrat pals, but some family issues made it necessary for me to stay close to home this last week of summer -- the week before school starts for my anxious soon-to-be third-grader.

I figured my blog would still get some attention in Denver, though, since I purchased a Big Tent pass AND shelled out the extra cash to be a "Participating Sponsor." The Big Tent is where many of the bloggers will gather for WiFi access and some brewskies when they aren't on the convention floor and their website will be consulted constantly for listings of events and speakers.

I was promised that for the additional outlay, I would be featured on the page of sponsors along with a description of my blog AND, of course, the PunditMom logo.

I eagerly checked out The Big Tent home page on this eve of the Democratic convention to see my sponsorship up there with the others -- granted, not the big ones, but a sponsor nonetheless.

It's not there.

Other blogs and sponsors are listed and they've had puh-LENTY of time, since I made the sponsorship donation over a month ago. Really, it's not that hard to post the bio I sent and the link to little 'ol PunditMom, is it?

It's bad enough that the DNC messed up and said I would have a hotel room, only to find out a week ago that my official "confirmation" hadn't been processed and that, if I had shown up at 10 p.m. on Sunday night, there would have been no room at the inn for me or for about 300 others who had relied on the Democrats' ability to make hotel reservations.

I sure hope things for the rest of the convention are a bit more organized. But all I'm asking at this point is for a little logo love that I paid for in support of the 2008 Democratic Convention spirit! I know things are a little busy there in Denver right now, but, hey -- BIG TENT -- spare a PunditMom a few minutes of IT love that I've already paid for.

Joanne Bamberger is better known around the blogosphere as PunditMom. Even though she couldn't make it to Denver this year, she will be chipping in her political commentary about the convention at her place, as well as MOMocrats and BlogHer, where she is a Contributing Editor for Politics & News.

For more Huffington Post coverage from the Democratic National Convention, visit our Politics @ the DNC page, our Democratic Convention Big News Page, and our HuffPost bloggers' Twitter feed, live from Denver.

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