I Am a Woman for Deeds

Single mothers. Child care providers. Working mothers. Feminists...Four types of women that Bob McDonnell called in his thesis "materialistic," "detrimental to family," and the cause of a "breakdown of society."
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Single mothers. Child care providers. Working mothers. Feminists.

Four types of women that Bob McDonnell called in his thesis "materialistic," "detrimental to family," and the cause of a "breakdown of society."

Bob wrote his thesis the same year I was working full-time, raising two children with a third on the way. It's truly terrifying.

The Associated Press wrote that the discovery of these statements by Bob McDonnell has the potential to "shake up [this] race." Together, we can make sure that it does.

Bob McDonnell is asking Virginians to elect him Governor. But in Bob McDonnell's Virginia, I, my friends, my colleagues, and my own mother aren't viewed as equals.

For more than two decades, I've been a working mother. While raising four wonderful children, I've had the good fortune to have success as an attorney, start my own small business with my husband, and serve the Commonwealth under the past two Governors.

I have known Creigh for many years, and have seen firsthand how hard he has worked for the women of Virginia throughout his time in the state legislature, to stand up for our rights.

He stood up for rights like equal pay and protection from domestic abuse that, in an ideal world, we shouldn't have to think twice about granting to anyone. He worked to push legislation to ensure that women in need can get access to the necessary medication and medical services, receive fair treatment in the workplace and under the law, and more.

Bob McDonnell?... Not so much. When the Washington Post discovered Bob McDonnell's blueprint for governing, they didn't just find an academic paper. They found "a vision that he started to put into action soon after he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates."

Bob McDonnell legislated on these ideas for 14 years in the General Assembly. He opposed efforts to improve our childcare centers in 2001 and 2003, and even voted against eliminating gender-based wage discrimination. That's right -- he even voted against a woman's right to equal pay.

He sponsored not one, not two, but 35 bills restricting a woman's right to choose even in the cases of rape and incest.

On many of these issues, he worked hand-in-hand with his running mate, current Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling. Creigh and I are both running because we believe in a Commonwealth that offers equal opportunity and support for women and families.

We have a choice in this election and we must make our voices heard. There is just too much at stake.

A Washington Post editorial called McDonnell's thesis an "ode to a bygone 1950s America."

But this is not 1950. We have made so much progress in recent years and we can't afford to go backwards with McDonnell's extreme social agenda.

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