Brian Moran -- Our Work Continues

Like Obama, Brian Moran embraces a politics powered by the people, empowering supporters, not relying on millions of high-dollar donations and the status-quo party establishment.
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Yesterday marked a triumph for this people-powered movement. Obama's win proved that the politics-as-usual is over, that no longer are we at the mercy of party bosses, big money candidates, and the Washington insiders. We control our Party. It is the people's time. And I celebrated that fact last night.

But as Obama said yesterday (in slightly different context, of course), "we must [...] dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America." So, despite our triumph, the work of this movement continues.

With that inspiration, I officially announce that I have joined the Brian Moran for Governor campaign in Virginia. As the Media Consultant and General Strategist for the campaign, I'll fight for Brian and his mission -- to stand-up for working families and continue the progress that Governors Kaine and Warner began.

I know how important this campaign will be. We cannot go back to the way politics was. Like Obama, Brian Moran embraces a politics powered by the people, empowering supporters, not relying on millions of high-dollar donations and the status-quo party establishment.

And we need a candidate who understands Virginia, a leader who has lived in Virginia, a man that doesn't just search for political opportunity, but has been there in the trenches fighting for working families. Brian has spent two decades fighting for people -- working to raise the minimum wage, expand healthcare for every child, and raise teacher salaries.

That's why I'm supporting Brian Moran. He grew up in a struggling middle-class family and took his first job at 14. He worked construction, gas station attendant and bar tender to put himself through college and law school.

I've known Brian for a long time. Over his two decades in public service, he has fought for Virginia jobs, to reduce crime, expand transportation, and improve education. He is a visionary, a leader that isn't afraid to take bold stands and fight entrenched power. He is a leader devoted to a change agenda -- of remaking our economy, embracing new energy solutions, and reforming our institutions.

He's already announced the boldest environmental plans of any candidate by doubling his opponent's commitment to renewable energy and he's the only candidate to oppose offshore drilling.

I'm joining an amazing team: Veteran Mark Warner and Jim Webb Campaign Manager, Steve Jarding, is the general consultant. Mame Reiley, Mark Warner's former Political Director, Chairs Moran's campaign. And we work with Jerome Armstrong as new media consultant.

But it isn't this campaign team that is going to make the campaign a success. It will be you -- the energetic supporters, activists, bloggers, and ordinary Virginians -- who will make this happen. We are up against a powerful opponent but I'm confident we can win, because of you. You will be the difference. You are what this campaign will be about.

So, today, I ask that you take the first step by joining the campaign. We'll be back here often to talk about the race and the enormous stakes of this election.

Thanks for everything. And congratulations to Obama -- and you.

This post was originally published on the Daily Kos

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