"Student Loan Sinkhole?" Garners Huge Response

What would you do if -- as a college-educated young mother -- you lost your job, had debt collectors calling you incessantly, and were just evicted from your home?
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One of the most compelling and touching NOW on PBS programs of the year received an enormous and historic response from our audience.

The topic was how massive student loan debts are sinking American dreams and causing a national economic headache, but the focus was the tragic and heroic story of a single mother in Baltimore trying to dig herself out of a $70,000 student loan debt. While many blamed the young woman for her own dilemma, there was also an outpouring of support, empathy, and commiseration.


What would you do if -- as a college-educated young mother -- you lost your job, had debt collectors calling you incessantly, and were just evicted from your home? Before you make assumptions, I urge you to watch the program.

Personal student loan stories from across the nation

New federal credit loan repayment options, and how you can take advantage of them.

Selections from our email correspondence with Sallie Mae about their response to our report

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