Drip Drip Drip

Is that the sound of Greenland's glacier melting -- or the hearts and minds of our political elite in Washington? One can only hope.
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Is that the sound of Greenland's glacier melting -- or the hearts and minds of our political elite in Washington? One can only hope.

Another good week of glacial like progress unfolded this week as the National Governors Association gathered. While NYT's Thomas Friedman keeps beating the good, sensible drum for energy taxes -- like everything else out there in energy policy a solid 25 year old idea whose time has come back around -- Barack Obama laid out some solid benchmarks for smarter policy in a speech to the NGA's 35 governor Ethanol Caucus yesterday, calling for an Energy Czar, of sorts, to treat energy independence like the war at home it should be and report to us how we are doing.

Lee Iacocca anyone?

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