Featured Fifty Poetry: Snowdrops

Aww... Check Out This Woman's Love Poem
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Johanna Boal, a wife and mother of three, lives in Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, England. She works as a librarian and in her spare time she loves to read and write. Johanna writes poetry for adults and children, some of which has been published. She also writes children's stories and is currently looking to get published as a children's writer. Johanna is a member of The Poetry Society and Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.

Snowdrops only bloom in springtime. You could say the poem is a love poem.


I first saw you, by the gate

Paramount at the flaking post

The air encouraging, glimpsing closer

Comparable in awe at newly born.

Hunkering nearer, the soil you came out of

Seemed right against the green,

Your green-

Not the dark green in grass or the childlike green in moss

But a regal green, with leaves indented to make slender.


A clump, a fixture in spring only!

I wanted to touch your snowy velvet head

The softness that would happen on my fingertips

Birds can sing in trees all they like

I had a happy secret;

Three petals covering the trumpet, tipped with green

A snowdrop

A bell, which only chimed for me

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