"Tell Them What Happens Here"

"Tell Them What Happens Here"
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In a special opinion piece for CNN today, I highlighted the changes afoot to end the deadly trade in Congo's conflict minerals. Armed groups in eastern Congo generate an estimated $180 million each year by trading four main minerals: tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold.

The op-ed, co-authored by Sasha Lezhnev, Executive Director of the Grassroots Reconciliation Group, begins with a story about a Congolese woman named Mary who we met during our recent trip to eastern Congo.

Mary told us: "If you talk to Obama or the phone companies, tell them what happens here."

As consumers of jewelry and electronics we all have a responsibility to demand conflict-free products. Email the 21 biggest electronics companies and urge them to make their products conflict free.

To learn more visit our special page on conflict minerals and read our special report, From Mines to Mobile.

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