4 New iPhone Apps Changing the Way We Discover Content

With so much content flying around the Internet at any given time, it can be difficult to find the information you need. Information overload is a big problem today and this is especially challenging for professionals who want to stay on top of the most relevant and important content of the day that can help them be better informed and more productive.
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With so much content flying around the Internet at any given time, it can be difficult to find the information you need. Information overload is a big problem today and this is especially challenging for professionals who want to stay on top of the most relevant and important content of the day that can help them be better informed and more productive. For those engaging in content marketing, this is doubly important since locating great content to share with your own followers is more important than ever. Luckily, there are some great apps available to make it easy for busy entrepreneurs

to find the content they need. Here are a few new iPhone apps that are tackling this problem.


One of the most promising new apps is
, which turns content discovery into your very own personalized tour of everything that's fresh and popular on the Web today. Using machine learning algorithms Flipora automatically learns the type of content you enjoy reading by connecting with Facebook and Twitter and refines its content recommendations to match. Think of this app like having an assistant working specifically for you, learning your preferences over time and delivering results that match those preferences. You can follow interests and you can follow people who share great content on topics you want to stay up to date on.

Flipora's iPhone app has an engaged community of users and the app automatically recommends new users to follow based on your interests. Content curators can quickly accumulate large followers on the platform as long as they curate great content via upvoting or submitting cool content which then gets promoted to the user's followers and can go viral. Flipora works essentially like a Pinterest but for content and supports more than 10,000 interests that cater to every niche on the internet.


This free social RSS feed curates all the links your Twitter and Facebook friends are sharing and delivers them to you via it's app and in a daily news digest. Since many of your social media connections are within your own industry,
is effective in learning the latest news and information about your own industry. It also helps you identify the information everyone's buzzing about in order to create new content with your own thoughts on those talking points.

In addition to the daily digest, you can also browse Nuzzel's "news from friends of friends" and "featured feeds" to find interesting content. This will expand your curation efforts beyond your own circle of friends and associates.


This free app is extremely popular and helps you build your own personalized magazine by letting you follow magazines and topics.
also lets you drill down to see more content you like by letting you filter by publication source or topic. The app also features a Daily Edition which includes content selected by FlipBoard editors that offer a snapshot of the popular stories of the day.

You can also curate and create your own magazine to share with others. The app already includes several publishers and magazines who are available to be followed. Once you discover content you like, you can easily share from within the app to popular sources like Facebook, Twitter etc. This is the same content that I currently share to my 1+ million subscribers on Due.


If video content is your arena,
is a valuable app to have. Instead of spending hours scouring the web for interesting videos to watch, this app creates channels, turning the experience of watching video into one similar to watching TV. A user chooses favorite channels, such as CNN or TechCrunch, and the app delivers the best content from each of those channels each day.

Over time, Frequency learns a customer's preferences and tweaks its recommendations to match. You'll have suggestions based on the content you've watched before. The more you watch, the more refined those recommendations will be.

These apps not only help you save time, they ensure you're informed of the best content available to help you connect with your own online followers.

Whether these apps use data from your own social networking activities or observe your activities within the app itself, you'll find that by using them, you're better able to filter out the many irrelevant pieces of content being posted each day and discover great content that would be difficult to discover on your own.

This makes them ideal apps to start your day with.

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