An NAACP Gift Basket to Michael Richards

If there's one person who oughta get something for stepping up and personifying the absurdity of race relations in America, PC fascism, and media histrionics it's Richards and his Nigger-Bomb.
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If there's one person who oughta get something for stepping up and personifying and exemplifying the absurdity of race relations in America, PC fascism, and media histrionics it's Michael Richards and his Nigger-Bomb.

That patrons in a comedy club would think they could heckle a comedian without some kind of repercussions...

That the comedian would skip over more gentile retorts such as "Hey, black boy I raped your sister with a stick," and go right to "He's a nigger!"...

That the disgusting but forgettable incident would be camera-phone taped and wallpapered day after day after day on TV (Later on the CBS news, is Iraq in a civil war? But first, Michael Richards was spotted at Pure with Tara Conner...)

That the wronged black folks feel they can seek civil damages for the high crime of name calling (that they could even try says something about how far we as people have come)...

That for such a suit these black folks were represented by the luminary civil rights-era attorney Gloria Allred (Well, maybe that part isn't so absurd. The saying goes: you can indict a ham sandwich. If so, Gloria would represent the sandwich in a subsequent civil suit).

That Jesse Jackson would then issue HNIC decree #687: no more using the "N-Word" (though Jesse says nothing about using the "H-word," or the "H-town-word" when talking about Jews)...

That while all this was happening real racism - two black motorists were pulled over in Tempe, AZ and forced by the cops to "rap" their way out of getting a ticket - and real issues - the rise in violent crime in urban areas - went by unnoticed or under reported because they lacked any star power to sex them up...

All of this speaks to the grossly dysfunctional symbiotic relationship among the celebrity driven news culture, how it's used for personal gain, and how the public suffers because of it.

And for reminding us of all that, somebody owes Michael Richards a holiday fruitcake.

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