Palin Means "Again"

Palin means "again" in Greek - e.g., John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin means a major party again picks a female for Veep, a true breakthrough Democrats first engineered 24 years ago.
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Palin means "again" in Greek - e.g., John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin means a major party again picks a female for Veep, a true breakthrough Democrats first engineered 24 years ago.

Or - e.g., A major Alaska paper again says Palin is a total beginner on national and international issues.


A Palinode is a recantation - e.g., Rev. John Hagee, a McCain spiritual adviser, first says God sent a hurricane to New Orleans to punish the city for allowing a gay conference, then recants.

Palindromia is a return of a disease - e.g., Karl Rove hands have returned to run McCain's campaign.

Palingenesis means rebirth - e.g., Maverick senator is reborn as orthodox Republican.

Palindrome - a word or group of words that can be read backward or forward, or both - e.g.:
- Re Sarah: a raser?
-Dame Veep - a peeve, mad?
-Pish! Sarah a rash sip.

Take your choice, or write your own.

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