Week to Week News Quiz for 6/4/16

Hillary Clinton's up, Donald Trump and Katie Couric are down this week. Take our Week to Week News Quiz to learn why.
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Hillary Clinton's up, Donald Trump and Katie Couric are down this week. Take our Week to Week News Quiz to learn why.

1. In a major speech this week, what did Hillary Clinton call "a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies"?
a. Senator Bernie Sanders' complaints against the Democratic Party
b. The latest J.K. Rowling mystery novel
c. Donald Trump's foreign policy ideas
d. The House Benghazi panel report

2. Where did the latest campus shooting take place?
b. University of Oregon
c. University of Chicago
d. King's College

3. Boxer Muhammad Ali died on Friday. How old was he?
a. 88
b. 97
c. 66
d. 74

4. Katie Couric said she regretted the misleading way who was portrayed in a documentary she produced?
a. Donald Trump
b. Meth users
c. Science fiction fans
d. Gun activists

5. What did physicist Stephen Hawking say about Donald Trump?
a. "Of all of the strange phenomena in the universe, Trump is not even the strangest one on Earth"
b. "He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.""
c. "Time and space are not big enough to contain his ego"
d. "I would vote for him, but alas I am British and he is not boring enough"

6. Who does Poland's justice minister want extradited to the United States?
a. Poland's former president, Lech Wałęsa
b. Sergey Vadimovich Andreev, Russia's ambassador to Poland
c. Director Roman Polanski
d. German Chancellor Angela Merkel

7. What did the Dalai Lama, arguably the world's most famous refugee, have to say about refugees this week?
a. It is a lifestyle choice that more people should try
b. Europe has too many refugees and most of them should return to their home countries
c. God sheds a tear every time a refugee is forced from a home
d. He said Germany was a model for its humanitarian refugee policies

8. This week, the State Department issued warnings about Americans traveling where this summer?
a. Europe
b. Israel
c. Southeast Asia
d. Antarctica

BONUS. What did someone hack electronic construction signs near Dallas to display?
a. "It's time to secede"
b. "Move your business to California"
c. "Left lanes closed next 300 years"
d. "Donald Trump is a shape shifting lizard"

1. c
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. b
8. a

Want the live news quiz experience? Join us Wednesday, June 15 in downtown San Francisco for our next live (and lively) Week to Week political roundtable with a news quiz and a social hour at The Commonwealth Club of California. Panelists include Joe Garofoli, Barbara Marshman, and Debra J. Saunders.

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