Week to Week News Quiz for 8/29/14

Week to Week News Quiz for 8/29/14
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It's not quite 1914, but troops are on the move again around the world. Find out what's happening by taking the Week to Week news quiz.

Here are some random but real hints: this can only mean she's running for president; third time's the charm; George Clooney congratulated his pals; and he can't recall a closer race. Answers are below the quiz.

1. What did the United States tell the UN Security Council that Russia had "outright lied" about?
a. Its support for Taiwan's independence
b. Its invasion of Georgia
c. Its involvement in Ukraine
d. Everything

2. For what did the National Football League establish increased penalties?
a. Roughing the passer
b. Domestic violence
c. The Lambeau Leap
d. Talking back to the referee

3. What did Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell say President Obama was "doing the right thing" about?
a. The federal budget deficit
b. Immigration reform legislation
c. Campaign finance reform
d. Taking military action against ISIS

4. What two countries' leaders met this week but failed to stop their respective militaries from clashing?
a. Israel and Syria
b. Russia and Ukraine
c. Poland and Belarus
d. China and the Philippines

5. Who announced this week that they were being investigated by French authorities for negligence?
a. IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde
b. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
c. French President François Hollande
d. Russian President Vladimir Putin

6. How did Charles Vacca of Arizona die?
a. He was the 3,500th U.S. service member killed in Afghanistan
b. He was shot by a nine-year-old girl he was teaching to shoot an Uzi submachine gun
c. He contracted Ebola while doing missionary work in western Africa
d. He died during a stunt climbing the Brooklyn Bridge

7. Who is currently the clear 2016 presidential frontrunner among Iowa GOP caucus voters?
a. Jeb Bush
b. Hillary Rodham Clinton
c. Rand Paul
d. Mitt Romney

8. Who finally got married last week in France?
a. Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Bryan Cranston
b. French President François Hollande and actress Julie Gayet
c. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
d. Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus

9. According to a new poll, which gubernatorial race is the closest in the nation?
a. California
b. Florida
c. Arizona
d. Wisconsin

10. What is Russia's largest bank offering to its new mortgage customers?
a. To lend them a cat
b. 0% interest for 40 years
c. A negative interest rate
d. Vintage 1950s U.S.-made toasters

BONUS. Who is Ai Hin and why was she pretending to be pregnant?
a. A Chinese communist party official who put off her trial on corruption charges because she led prosecutors to believe she has been pregnant for the past 12 months
b. A candidate for the Dallas city council, Ms. Hin pretended she was pregnant to give herself an excuse to cancel two planned debates
c. Ai Hin, a panda in China, is believed to have faked a pregnancy in order to get more food
d. A serial grifter who has taken in $58,000 in state-issued maternal benefits in the past five years by faking pregnancy; she is currently awaiting trial in southern Illinois

Want the live news quiz experience? Join us Tuesday, September 16 in Silicon Valley for our next live Week to Week political roundtable with a news quiz and a social hour at The Commonwealth Club of California. Panelists include Dr. Larry Gerston, Carla Marinucci, and Josh Richman.

1: c.
2: b.
3: d.
4: b.
5: a.
6: b.
7: d.
8: c.
9: d.
10: a (having a cat walk through a home before you move in is considered good luck there).

Explanations of the hints: this can only mean she's running for president: France has a Roman-like penchant for prosecuting presidential pretenders for corruption; third time's the charm: Mitt has been dropping hints that he'd be up for a third try at the White House; George Clooney congratulated his pals: Clooney expressed his happiness for his friends, Pitt and Jolie; and he can't recall a closer race: Wisconsin incumbent Scott Walker survived a recall election a couple years ago, but this reelection race is too close to call.

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