Introducing NewsRanker

Just enter a few names and NewsRanker shows who is getting the most press mentions.
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whitesq.jpgHuffPost has a new feature called NewsRanker that shows you who is really newsworthy. You can find NewRanker on the front page of HuffPost on the righthand side. Just enter a few names and NewsRanker shows who is getting the most press mentions. For example, here is a real time ranking of Justin Timberlake, Paris Hilton, and Barack Obama:

The graph is clickable so if you want to know more about Justin, Paris, or Barack, just click on them. That will take you to a page that has all the lastest news from around the web about the person. These pages also show you a list of the person's "friends and foes" so you can click around to see how they are related to their peers. It is like a Facebook page for every important newsmaker in the world.

You can also create your very own NewsRanker chart by entering names, people, places, or ideas. The NewsRanker will instantly show you a comparison of everything you enter. And if you want to add the graph to your own blog or site just click "Link/Embed". It is a good way to make your point that Iverson is bigger than Kobe or that despite what people might say Morgan Stanley is just as good as Goldman.

The NewsRanker is still in beta so let us know what you think so we can make improvements. We created it in partnership with Daylife a new company you will be hearing a lot about in the coming months.


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