9 Historic U.S. Events That Would Have Been More Interesting With Social Media

One minute you're cropping your profile picture, the next minute 50 friends from high school you don't care about are inviting you to the "Boston Tea Party" whatever the hell that is.
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1. The Louisiana Purchase
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Social Media: Kickstarter

Can you imagine what the Kickstarter page for this project would have looked like? "What's up everyone, how about that Seven Years' War? Speaking of foreign territory, I'm trying to raise 15 million dollars to buy 828,000 square miles of land #baller. I'll be posting weekly videos to keep you updated and if we reach the final goal everyone is invited to my house party where we will tell stories and sew (obviously colonial bread will be served lol). Thanks sooo much, you guys." -Thomas Jefferson

2. Christopher Columbus "Discovers" America
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Social Media: Tinder

I can just picture the conversations now. "So I know we just kinda took over your home (sry btw), but we should def get together soon for a drink or something." Not to mention Christopher Columbus's Tinder profile -- Obviously some douchey staged picture of him sailing. Age 41. Interests include exploring, trying new things, laughing. Favorite quote: "Good artists copy, great artists steal."

3. The Civil War
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Social Media: Pinterest

While most would be concerned with the current state of the war/country and the possible implications -- you just know that someone somewhere would be creating articles like "How To Spice Up Your Civil War Uniform" or "Watch How You Can Turn Your C.W. Uniform Into a Table Setting In Just 3 Easy Steps."

4. The Boston Tea Party
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Social Media: Facebook

One minute you're cropping your profile picture, the next minute 50 friends from high school you don't care about are inviting you to the "Boston Tea Party" whatever the hell that is...but all the popular kids are going so you RSVP "yes" even though you KNOW your parents are going to bring it up at the dinner table, asking if there will be supervision and such -- it's going to be a whole scene. Ugh.

5. Benedict Arnold Gets Caught Stealing
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Social Media: Foursquare

"Benedict Arnold just checked in at Yorktown with the British Army." Talk about drama.

6. Wright Brothers Fly First Airplane

Social Media: Snapchat

Coolest. Snapchat. Ever. While it would be incredible to see the completion and execution of flying the first ever plane, it's too bad that the documentation would expire after 10 seconds.

7. Founding of the KKK
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Social Media: Myspace

Hey, when something is trendy, it's trendy. Even the scum of the earth need to network, right?. "Welcome to our Myspace! We're just a couple of friends who enjoy hanging out, watching sports, hating anyone who is even remotely different than us and quoting movies (duh). Have a look around." I wonder how Myspace Tom would feel.

8. Neil Armstrong Lands On Moon
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Social Media: Instagram

The Instagram fan base would have a heyday with the filters they could use for such an iconic photo. Friendly reminder: clicking a button doesn't make you an artist.

9. Paul Revere Warns Of British
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Social Media: Twitter

Paul Revere had a pretty stress-inducing job when he had to ride through town via horse alerting the Colonial militia of the British forces. It would have been a lot easier if he could have just retweeted the message. If that doesn't make you feel lazy for not getting out of bed on your first alarm then I don't know what will.

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