Winners: Top Ten HuffPost Reader Blogs for Obama

Barack challenges us to be active agents in the decision. His invitation, his challenge to take our destiny in our own hands, is why I support Barack Obama.
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To everyone who submitted a blog sharing why you'll vote for Obama: You blew me away. Thank you to each of you.

Here are the ten that moved me the most, listed in the order in which they were posted:

Susie 1776

The first time I saw Barack Obama was when he gave the keynote address
at the 2004 Democratic Convention. I thought that he embodied the thoughts and ideas in that speech of a true leader.

It has been; his careful judgment, innovative ideas, compassion,
humor, commitment to his constituency, intellect,
charm, and wisdom. That has driven my decision.

I have always been a proud voter. I stand by all of my previous voting decisions.
This time it is different. This time I vote with the knowledge that this is the most
important election in my lifetime. We are at the crossroads of a critical time in
our nation's history. Our financial system is crashing. We are losing
jobs in record numbers. Our children's future is uncertain. We are waging a war
based on lies, deception, and greed.

I am voting early tomorrow. I can hardly contain my emotions. I am proud to say that
my husband and I have six children in all. Three each from previous marriages.
All six of our kids are Obama supporters, and that includes one soldier.

Our's is an Obama house!

I'm one of those 60+ white women who was a staunch Hillary supporter. I am voting for Obama. Yes, I agree with his policies but that's not why. What has impressed me about Obama is the on-the-ground organization he has put together. To see and hear people from all across America giving their time and energy to work for this candidate has inspired me and made me proud to be an American. This is true democracy at work; something I was afraid we had lost. I gave 3 donations to Obama... a whole $45.00 in total and felt like I was a part of something very special. Obama is the living example that anyone can grow up to be President of the United States!

I never want to hear that Obama doesn't have experience again!
* Graduated Columbia University
* Top of class at Harvard Law (pretty decent school)
* President of Harvard Law Review
* Community Organizer in Chicago (working with faith-based organizations)
* Practiced Civil Rights Law
* Constitutional Law professor (shouldn't a President know the Constitution?) I know our current one doesn't.
* Elected to Illinois State Senate (8 years)
* Elected to United State Senate
* Nominated Democratic Party Presidential candidate

That resume looks pretty presidential. How does an elite education, understanding of the constitution, and serving our country as an elected official not count as experience. That's exactly what I hope a Presidential nominee's resume would look like!!!

This post won't win this contest, but no matter.

I'm voting for Obama (already have, actually, early absentee-in-person) for the sake of my two-year-old daughter.

Obama not only attended but was a leader at one of the best schools in the country. He believes in knowledge and unity and is willing to listen to people on both sides before making decisions. He has refrained from the easy attacks that will leave us more divided. I was one of those people who was rooting for the zingers at the debates, but he is smart enough to see that he will need to build a coalition and it will be easier if he doesn't have to overcome lingering hurt feelings from the other side. He offers hope for our country to return to the ideal of a society where we can live with our neighbors and speak freely without fear. A place where freedom, tolerance and knowledge are all cherished. A country where faith is protected, not used as a weapon against people whose ideas are different than your own. When I was a child I believed that America was the place where all this existed. Now that I am older I realize that it is an unrealized ideal and of our two choices, only Obama will move us toward what I believe is the ultimate goal of humanity.

Other candidates ignored young voters because they weren't 'strategically reliable.' Barack defied that and invited us to be involved and take a stake in this election. Now that we have indeed become a force in this race, other candidates began courting us "acting as if they have been there all along.

Other candidates made the case for their experience, "that they had all the answers to our problems. Barack deferred from that rallying cry. He let his record speak for itself, challenged voters to do their own homework, and issued a call for change. Now that change is the driving theme for this election "other candidates suddenly became 'candidates for change'" acting as if that was their driving conviction all along.

Barack challenges us to rescue ourselves from our great apathy. Barack Obama refuses to pander to our collective laziness, our desire to allow another "well-versed in the old ways of Washington" to overcome our great obstacles on our behalf. Instead, Barack challenges us to be active agents in the decision. His invitation, his challenge to take our destiny in our own hands, is why I support Barack Obama.

So what will you do? Will you place your trust in a candidate that will march to victory on the back of your vote, only to leave you in the cold once that pinnacle is achieved? Or do you support the man that wants your vote, your trust, and your participation in securing our destiny beyond November 4?

For me, the decision is clear.

I am going to vote for Barack Obama because I identify with him. I am a biracial child that didn"t grow up wealthy. I put myself through college, and am continuing my education. I take responsibility for my failures and share the credit for my successes. I know what it"s like to be the victim of racism from both sides of the fence. These things don"t make me an elitist, they help me stay humble. I understand what it"s like to be both poor and successful. I know what it takes to go from one and get to the other: education, time. Barack Obama understands that too.

His plans are not perfect, he is not my messiah. I"d like to see more emphasis on early childhood education. I'd like to see more enthusiasm for Nuclear power. His plans are also not rigid. He values knowledge and trusts the facts.

It is the way he conducts himself that sways me more than any single position. I agree with him on most issues, but it's his understanding and willingness to listen that win the day for me. At the end of the day his plans are investments in America. He understands that there'll be no fast fixes.

Oh, and history is on his side. Every time taxes have increased on the rich, the country has righted itself and stabilized. It has always been good for business. When rich and business became synonymous I don"t know.

I am registered as a Republican from Kansas. I've already voted for Senator Obama in early voting there.

My reason: competency.

I'm a registered Republican who is voting for Barack Obama.

I've been leaning this way for a while but my choice was cemented after the debates and Senator McCain's air quotes about "health of the mother". That cement fully hardened this week after hearing from Governor Palin that love of country is determined by place of residency.

When did my party decide that all of this was okay? When did we decide that the health of half of our citizenry was deserving of such rancor? When did we decide that your zip code was an indicator of your moral code? When did achieving an Ivy League education on scholarships become something to be derided?

My nephew wants to study archeology at Yale and has the grades to do so. Should I warn him that according to current Republican mantras, his ambition could make him too elite? Should I tell my own children to aim low because raising the bar makes you anti-American?

According to my party, I should. According to my conscience, I will not.

November 4th-- Obama/Biden.

I will vote for Obama not only because I feel he is our best hope at this time, but because my 19-year-old son {who believed in Obama long before I did} cannot vote for him. A week after my son died, a package arrived in the mail from the Obama campaign addressed to my late son. It contained a Barack Obama T shirt. Which he paid for in advance. The fact that my 19-year-old son, who didn't have much money, spent it to support this man was enough to convince me there must be something special there. And I will honor him by using my vote to carry out his wishes.

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