Take Time For You During A Busy Summer

However way you decide to relax, make sure you're taking ample time out of your summer for just you. Your mind, body and soul will thank you for it. And so will those around you. Enjoy your summer, and always remember to have fun!
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The summer season is filled with activities and fun adventures. The kids are home from school and vacations are on the rise. The weather is perfect so your significant other wants to explore the great outdoors on the weekends. And, your friends can't wait to plan the next dinner party after you just came from one! Amongst all of the excitement, it can be difficult to find time for relaxation and rest. You know, "me" time.

But remember, it's important to appreciate yourself and your body. And it's necessary to find the value in spending some time alone once in a while. Everyone needs a break from the demands of daily life. You are no exception, so give yourself permission to slow down for a few moments a day or spend a few hours a week doing something you love. "Me" time can help you gain a fresh outlook and renewed sense of perspective.


Here are some suggestions to help you tranquilize during a busy summer:

  • Treat yourself to lunch: During your lunch hour, take the time off to go out and treat yourself to a nice sit-down lunch for one, or have a picnic outside at a nearby park.
  • Catch up on your favorite book or TV show: After the kids go to bed, wind down in the living room with your favorite treat and read a book or watch a show.
  • Go dark on social media: You don't always need to be checking in on what other people are doing, nor do you want to be bothered by other people wanting to know your whereabouts and happenings. Check out of social media for a week and you'll probably relish the mental break!
  • Dance: Shake it out, and dance! Movement and dancing is a fun way to not only get the blood flowing, but boosts your endorphins to put you in a better mood.
  • Take a bubble bath: Instead of jumping in the shower, draw yourself a bath. Try adding some lavender for a soothing scent to help calm your mind and help you sleep better at night.
  • Send your family out to a movie night: Not only will they be excited to get out of the house and do something fun, you can take full advantage of getting to do something you want to do for at least a couple hours while they're gone! Go shopping, take a yoga class, or just unwind in your favorite pajamas.


However way you decide to relax, make sure you're taking ample time out of your summer for just you. Your mind, body and soul will thank you for it. And so will those around you. Enjoy your summer, and always remember to have fun!

Judi Sheppard Missett created the original dance party workout and started the fitness revolution that became Jazzercise. Today -- more than 45 years later -- Jazzercise is one of the world's leading dance fitness companies, offering a program that continually evolves with new beats, new moves and new classes. As Founder and CEO of Jazzercise, Judi Sheppard Missett leads a team of more than 8,300 franchisees teaching 32,000+ classes each week around the world. Jazzercise is a pulse-pounding, bass-dropping fitness program that gets results...fast. Customers can incinerate up to 800 calories in one 60 minute workout and choose from a variety of classes including Fusion, Core, Strike, Strength, Flip Fusion, Interval and Dance Mixx. For more information, visit jazzercise.com

Follow Judi Sheppard Missett on Twitter: www.twitter.com/JazzerciseInc

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