5 Favorite Swag Items

What are my top five swag items? Well, here you go. Key chain. I can never have enough key chains.
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As I prepare for the September release date of my children's chapter book, I have been thinking a lot about swag lately. As in what kind of cool giveaways can I offer with the book?

"I need good swag ideas," I said to my husband. "Do you know what swag is?"

He gave me a look, one that says: Do you think I live under a rock? Of course I know what swag is.

What he said was, "Yeah, stuff we all get."

I guess I'm the one living under the rock because I had never heard that expression before and it cracked me up. Stuff We All Get. Swag.

Our conversation got me wondering. What are my top five swag items? And I am not talking about the stuff celebrities get at the Oscars. Things like: fine jewelry, stays at Italian extravagant hotels, or a luxury rail trip. I've now nicknamed that stuff stag: Stuff They All Get. I'm talking about your basic trade show/corporate offerings: bottle openers, magnets and Frisbees. With no further ado, here are my top five swag items.

  1. Key chain. I can never have enough key chains. I seem to accumulate friends' and neighbors' keys as fast as I accumulate key chains. So each key get's its own personalized key chain.

  • Hand sanitizer. I love those little squirt bottles. I keep them in the car, my purse, my beach bag, and cosmetics case. It's a useful little gift.
  • Baseball cap. Great for painting, jogging, or throwing on your head when you run out of the house without brushing your hair.
  • Travel coffee mug. I don't go anywhere in the morning without a cup of joe. Those travel mugs come in very handy.
  • Jar opener. The round rubber one that helps you open jars of applesauce, spaghetti sauce, and pickles. I love them and the thing is, they really work!
  • What is your favorite piece of swag?

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