Our Union And Its State

The only meaningful SOTU would be for Bush and Cheney to resign, to declare that they have lost the Iraq war and that they need a woman - in this case, Nancy Pelosi - to clean up after them.
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The only meaningful SOTU would be for Bush and Cheney to resign, to declare that they have lost the Iraq war and that they need a woman - in this case, Nancy Pelosi - to clean up after them. Bush and Cheney are bad boys, destructive delinquents dressed in suits and pretending to be adults. They need someone pick up their mess, and send them to their rooms for the duration of their term. It's that simple. If Bush does not offer his resignation tonight - which he will not - the SOTU will be as meaningless as all his others have been.

That being said, Bush is psychologically incapable of changing course. The reason for this is that any change threatens his entire personality structure - a structure driven by his profound fear of humiliation and emotional collapse.

So it is not up to Bush to change; he can't and won't, regardless of public opinion or congressional pressure. It is up to Congress to change, by which I mean to recognize that they are powerless to get Bush to act differently. They must recognize Bush for who he isn't as well as for who he is - something Senator Kennedy has done.

The only way America can change course in Iraq is for the Senate to stop funding the war. Period. Anything short of cutting off purse strings is a passive non-solution, one of waiting for Bush to realize that which he is psychologically incapable of accepting - that his war is a failure. If Congress won't see Bush clearly and act accordingly, it will be as much at fault as Bush for the continued destruction of our nation's future

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