65 Little Tips For Us Girls

Because we love being a girl.
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Because we love being a girl.


1. Think one nice thing about yourself daily.

2. Don't wash your hair every day -- Suave dry shampoo is fabulous and costs $2.99.

3. Make your coffee at home. It will save you a bundle.

4. Use sunscreen. Tans don't last anyway and it's not worth the wrinkles, sunspots, or worse.

5. "Shoulding yourself" is just as bad for you as what that phrase sounds like when you say it out loud. Don't do it.

6. Study what you like -- you'll be better qualified when you actually enjoy your work.

7. Try to throw excess hair from the bathroom and the shower in the trash or you will seriously eat away your bathroom plumbing with Drano. Gross.

8. Save money and do your laundry at home, but do it right. Use the gentle cycle, don't dry most of your clothes, and when you do use the dryer, DEFINITELY clean out the lint trap. Definitely.

9. ALWAYS take your makeup off before bed.

10. Please bring a pair of flip flops in your purse when wearing heels for the night. Your feet and your friends will appreciate it.

11. Establish credit EARLY, treat credit cards like debit cards, and take advantage of reward points.

12. H&M and Forever 21 are amazing but frustrating. Don't be discouraged -- their clothes are for bite size humans.

13. Target swimsuits are also meant for bite size humans. Take a deep breath, grab the larger size, and may the force be with you in that dressing room.

14. Give away clothes you haven't worn in a year.

15. Take care of your car -- oil changes, tire rotations, tune ups. It'll cost less than buying a new crap car when yours breaks down.

16. Bright lipstick can transform an entire night (but be extra sweet to your server because it's impossible to get off glasses).

17. Find girlfriends who genuinely laugh at your jokes. Those are the ones who actually get you.

18. Shake hands like you would shake your martini: short, but strong.

19. Good music can cure any bad mood or mental block.

20. Rent an apartment that is in your budget. No guests care about granite countertops when you can't afford to serve wine.

21. Embrace alone time and Netflix marathons.

22. Find an exercise routine that doesn't make you want to give up on day two. Be consistent with it.

23. Don't over do it on perfume -- less is mas.

24. Create budgets at every income and limit what you purchase full price. It typically takes six weeks for something to go on sale. You can wait.

25. Life is easier when you strive for authenticity rather than popularity.

26. Date boys who hug your grandma.

27. Accept that comparing is off limits in friendships.

28. You can be a feminist and a romantic at the same time.

29. Love your best friends for exactly who they are, dog birthday parties and all.

30. Show up for the special people in your life. (Go to the dang dog's birthday party.)

31. Believe that you can have it all -- a career, a family, and a life.

32. Find a life coach or counselor you trust and stay committed to always improving.

33. Express your needs to others freely and without shame. You are not needy, you are confident.

34. Always keep a stash of Advil, Zyrtec, Tylonel, and Mucinex.

35. Don't text at work or school. You'll get way more out of osmosis than you think.

36. Do not treat social media like it's a diary -- it is a window into your life, not the whole picture.

37. ALWAYS have a pair of sweatpants handy (preferably two sizes too big).

38. Only apologize when you did something wrong.

39. Rejection develops maturity.

40. Find a partner who believes in you just as much as they believe in themselves.

41. Driving a nice car or carrying a designer bag doesn't matter now -- give yourself something to look forward to.

42. Make sure you love your bedroom. It will always be your your sanctuary.

43. Always get ready to music in the bathroom. It distracts you from the sweltering heat and eases your frustration with random mascara dots that always freakin' get on your eye lids.

44. Your parents are real people who make real mistakes. Try to forgive them as much as they forgive you (which was probably a lot you troublemaker).

45. Bring a few tampons wherever you go. You'll either need one or be super adored in every women's bathroom.

46. Music festivals are super sloppy. Prepare with sanitizer, lots of deodorant, and shoes you WILL throw away.

47. Retail and service industry jobs thicken your character, your bank account, and your skin.

48. Write thank-you notes.

49. Dates are for two people only. Anything else doesn't count -- a "group date" is seriously an oxymoron and the guy who considers it to be legit is an actual moron.

50. Put silverware handles down in the dishwasher. Your spoons will be cleaner, but be careful taking out the knives!

51. Speaking your worth is NOT bragging or expressing vanity.

52. Humidity is your worst enemy. You will win the war with a messy bun.

53. Get at least 8-10 hours of sleep per night. You will be a much happier human.

54. Binge diets kill your metabolism AND your social life in one fail swoop. Plus your dream guy loves your body as is.

55. A good work ethic will get you further than any raw intelligence.

56. Spanx ride up no matter what you do, so find clothes that you're comfortable in without them.

57. Color chalk your hair before dying it pink. Or purple. Or blue.

58. Clean your sheets once a week.

59. Vote.

60. Prioritize the makeup m's: moisturizer and mascara.

61. Set your own values -- you do not have to agree with everything your family believes.

62. On a windy day, it's best not to wear skirts made out of thin material. It'll be all Marilyn Monroe in a not so glam way.

63. Release relationships that hold you back; some friendships aren't meant to last forever.

64. Let go of grudges, they cause wrinkles (yep).

65. Never forget that "playing like a girl" means #winning.

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Go get 'em girls.

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