Gandhi Liveblogs <em>Project Runway</em> Philanthropy Product Placement

After completing your designs tonight, you will all be taken back to the Habitat for Humanity Designers Village in a single Toyota Prius.
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Welcome Designers.

Ghost of Gandhi here. We're moving away from product placement into philanthropy, so Nina and Michael have selected my ghost to host Season 4 of Project Runway. If you could just step into the Salvation Army fabric bin, we have some great materials for you to choose from today.

By the way, where's Aaaandre?

An assortment of cosmetics is now available to you from the PETA cruelty free makeup table. If you will all step into the Global Green Green Room, there is also a Gulf Restoration Network seafood platter. Can you believe there's still seafood?

And wasn't tonight's episode great? I truly hope Elisa keeps rubbing her fabrics in grass, but I'm aware that's a long shot.

By the way, Heidi Klum's outfits in previous seasons have been brought to you by the March of Dimes. She's not pregnant this season as far as we know, but when she is the baby will be brought to you by Easter Seal.

Tonight's contestant who announced he was not gay on a fashion design show is brought to you by We have some wonderful entertainment featuring a drum circle from Mercy Corps, and brass provided by the New Orleans Musicians Relief Fund. NOMRF has just been nominated for another MySpace Community Building Impact Award, but don't bring it up. They're prickly after losing on the Katrina Anniversary.

This season's plasma screens are provided courtesy of children's charity Drew Dat. A sports player named Drew Brees plays for the New Orleans Saints and they used to wear gold tights on the field but have switched to black leggings which look rather unfinished without the gold piping.

That's just one man's opinion.

This season's accessories are courtesy of the Saving Nola Now Store, including this fabulous messenger bag that we were able to travel to New Orleans to purchase.

Oh fine, you caught me. Gandhi probably did not say "fabulous" while teaching the awesome power of nonviolent conflict resolution. This is your old pal Tim Gunn.

Anyhoo, we are proud that next season will be filmed entirely on a slab in the 9th Ward in a tribute to the towering achievement of the recent Waiting For Godot al fresco production.

After completing your designs tonight, you will all be taken back to the Habitat for Humanity Designers Village in a single Toyota Prius.

Make it work.

Or as that clotheshorse Brad Pitt has been known to say about New Orleans: Make It Right.

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