Tour de Testosterone

Instead of concentrating on the testosterone levels of a bike rider the concentration should be on the real concerns of an out of control testosterone level of war.
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So Floyd Landis tested positive for synthetic testosterone.

If this is accurate I don't know what all the fuss is about. He is in good company. Jackson Pollack made some of the greatest contributions while being under the influence. Sigmund Freud used cocaine. Billy Holiday was on drugs while she sang. John Belushi was on drugs while he made us laugh. And so did Lenny Bruce.

William Burroughs was shooting up while writing. Should we negate all of these accomplishments because of the help of a substance?

I heard that Jesus had a little wine with dinner.

Babe Ruth sounded like a lush to me.

So what? Was Landis wearing his helmet?

Why are athletes to be so goody goody two shoes? If someone wants to play baseball, play sports, and takes drugs, or ride his bicycle on a hip that needs to be replaced - I really could care less. Get real. We are a world of drug users. Prozac, anti- depressives, Xanax, anti-anxiety drugs. All drugs all the time. And people use them because the drugs work.

Should Nobel Prize winners also be drug tested? Should the Venice Biennale winners, Academy Award Winners also be tested? Test the Grammy winners too. And the Emmy nominees need to roll up their sleeves.

I am less concerned about Floyd Landis. Mel Gibson needs to return any or future awards. Mr. Gibson, your anti- Semitism illustrates the need to start the personal, peace process and end of hatred within. You are contributing to the war.

Instead of concentrating on the testosterone levels of a bike rider the concentration should be on the real concerns of an out of control testosterone level of war. The out of control war by out of control men.

Let's test George Bush and his insatiable thirst for war and not demanding a cease fire. Tony Blair and George W share the display of their out of control testosterone of pushing violence over diplomacy. And they share the thrill of the finish line and the continued bombing of the suffering faces of children of war behind them.

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