How 'Doing Good' Makes You Sexier

There is no way to dupe your soul! Hence it's highly worthwhile to consistently choose morally right actions your soul can be proud of!
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Note: The following is adapted from the Deepak-Chopra-touted-Jon-Stewart-humor-approved-new-love-boosting-book Prince Harming Syndrome -- which you can check out more here.


Want to be happier in love? Want to attract better partners? Follow Aristotle's big secret to a happier life: Do actions you are proud of!

It's Like This:

You might think you can get away with being naughty not nice -- but your soul will always know when you misbehave. Your soul will always know the truth about what you are doing -- or not doing -- even if nobody else knows. It's as if your soul is a constant candid camera recording the reality of your life wherever you go. If you're naughty too often -- you will become an unhappy person with low self-esteem -- and thereby you will on a subconscious level feel as if you are NOT worthy of a high level true love!

Listen up! Aristotle said it well when he said:

"Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them."

Meaning? There is no way to dupe your soul! Hence it's highly worthwhile to consistently choose morally right actions your soul can be proud of!

Aristotle's #1 secret for happiness both in life and in love: Be goddamn virtuous!

Unfortunately, here in America this big secret for overall happiness seems to be remaining a big secret. Too many people have sold their souls -- winding up with what I jokingly refer to as "soulds"!

With these "soulds" of theirs, people pursue instantaneous indulgence gratification in the form of lying, hurting others, drugging, overeating, cheating in business, cheating in love, winning at any/all costs at the costs of others. BUT -- the cost these people with "soulds" are paying is a high one: unfulfilling love lives, low self-esteem and rampant depression!

Aristotle was a big believer that every time you behaved immorally -- performing actions your soul was not proud of -- you tarnished your "sould."

Aristotle went on to say that the worst shape your soul became in -- the worst shape your mood and self esteem.

Basically, you cannot be a happy, confident person if you don't nurture your soul with actions your soul can be proud of!

The larger and more frequent your unsoulful acts (i.e., being unkind, ungenerous, inconsiderate, immoral) the more tarnished your "sould" -- and the deeper your sadness and lesser your self assurance.

In Summary:

Although you might think you can get away with being unkind, ungenerous, inconsiderate and immoral -- you can never lie to your soul.

In my opinion, this bad "sould" versus good soul theory of happiness is why Prozak and Zoloft don't truly work long-term on many people -- that is people without true chemical imbalances.

It's Like This:

If you take these happiness pills, and don't change your life for the soul-nurturing better, you're simply making superficial changes in your brain chemistry. Prozak and Zoloft might be able to temporarily fool your brain chemistry into believing you are a happy person.

Unfortunately, Prozak and Zoloft do not work on your soul!

Unless you start to create major soul-nurturing life changes while on these happiness pills, you will remain an unhappy person.


Emotions are messages - they are there to guide us to keep doing more actions we are proud of -- so as to keep on feeling as happy as possible on the inside. Yes - positive emotions are our reward for consciously choosing to do actions we are proud of us - and grow into our highest potential selves. And according to Aristotle, we feel our most happiness when we are in what he called "a relationship of shared virtue" - a relationship where each partner inspires the other to grow into their highest potential self -- a relationship in which you will feel worthy of pursuing -- and excited to pursue - if you already value becoming your highest potential self!


If you want to capiche this even more - check out the Deepak-Chopra-touted-Jon-Stewart-humor-approved-new-love-boosting-book this passage is adapted from -- Prince Harming Syndrome -- which you can check out more about at

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