How Often Should You Launch?

How Often Should You Launch?
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There's this idea going round, in certain entrepreneurial circles, that there is some kind of RULE or SYSTEM as to how often you should launch or otherwise get your (awesome!) shit out there.

The rule, and correct me if I'm wrong, goes something like this -

Though shalt only launch in a certain way.

With a certain type of lead up.

And a sales page with certain STUFF on it.

And email this many times about it.

And allow a PRECISE amount of time between launches.

And so many pretty PICTURES of oh gosh! Bundles of workbooks and images of videos and little CD images so that you can show the world that hey! This program has got STUFF in it! You like STUFF right?!

Especially when it's all pretty and fanned out like that?!

And build anticipation in JUST this way.

And, (gosh, how did I nearly forget!) IT HAS TO LOOK PRETTY AND IT HAS TO BE PERFECT.

Oh and DER - you have to have 1,000 people on your list already.

To these and any similar rules, and to the purveyors of such nonsense I kindly and ever so politely say FUCK YOU.

Here is how often you "SHOULD" launch (if you wanna live your life by shoulds and run a business based on other freaking PEOPLE'S rules ... they're not MAGICAL people you know; you're allowed to make rules as well!)

You should launch -

(Wait for it!) -

When you want.

As often as you want.

When it FEELS good (and right).

And in the WAY that you want.

And you should do it, if all of the above is in place, REGARDLESS of your list size and regardless of when you most recently launched and regardless of how damn PRETTY it is and CERTAINLY regardless of how READY you are.

Which is to say, for the most part -


Unless of course you LIKE being one of those women entrepreneurs (did someone just say baaa?! Did you hear that or was it just me?!) who take approximately 10-18 months to freaking, well, do ANYTHING, because -

They're scared -

And they don't know how -

And they don't want to just be SELLING shit all the time (or maybe at all!) -

And they need a good SALES page -


And to grow their TRIBE more -

And they HAVE to, absolutely HAVE to, first FOLLOW ALL THE STEPS and GOSH there's a lot of them but hey that's just how it WORKS and BESIDES they're still not even sure if their IDEA is any good or anyone even WANTS it -

And golly it really IS a lot to worry about and it's pretty tiring actually, even to think about, but isn't that just what business TAKES?


And I'm (totally not) sorry if I piss anyone off here.


And I'll tell you WHY all of that stuff does NOT matter and why you can (and should, IMO!!) totally just fling your stuff out there how and when you like and who gives a shit if it's kinda full on and crazy, 'cause aren't YOU kinda full on and crazy and FUN or WAS that actually a BAAA I heard?

It doesn't matter, because when you are a leader and you are DOING YOU, then people do NOT buy WHAT you're selling and they do not buy HOW you're selling it and they largely do not even NOTICE how OFTEN you're selling it, so there's no question of launching too MUCH or OVERWHELMING or even CONFUSING people.

Because when you are doing you -

And being a goddamn LEADER -

People buy YOU. They buy the INSPIRATION that is you. They buy into YOUR why because it matches and speaks to THEIR why. They buy the FEELING of what you're about and who you are. They SEE THEMSELVES IN YOU and the KNOW they just HAVE to be a part of that.

And to some degree, really, and sorry if this is like SUCH a reminder of all the time and effort you've put in and all the WORRYING, they don't even really care what the darn thing you're selling IS, they just know that if you're doing it?

They gotta be part of it.

They want to BE IN YOUR CLUB.

In a nutshell, they just wanna be PART OF WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU DO.

Of course, if you choose, you can TOTALLY decide that you prefer the traditional approach to sales. God knows it's the popular choice, so hey I guess EVERYONE ELSE has the business, the life, the money, the JOY they want so maybe you SHOULD just follow them, maybe you should FOLLOW in general and forget this whole leader thing you say you wanna have goin' on.

Which is to say, if you took this path, that the REASON people would buy from you is because of WHAT YOU DO and how pretty it LOOKS rather than because of who you ARE and why you CARE so passionately and because they believe you can help them TRANSFORM.

And I don't know about you, but for me? The latter just makes my HEART SING!


So look, here's the plan.

I'm going to go ahead and assume that either way - you want to get stuff out there. You want to help people. You want to make a DIFFERENCE. And yes - you want money.

And I'm also going to go ahead and assume that right now you're not making the money OR the difference that you truly WANT to be making.

I'm finally going to go ahead and assume that you COULD stand to take action faster, more furiously, and with greater IMPACT.

And if you're nodding yes, yes, YES and you are so on the same page as me then I'm going to go ahead AND KICK YOUR BUTT TO KINGDOM COME IF YOU DON'T FREAKING WELL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

And something? Is not about more thinking, more 'getting ready'.

You wanna launch something amazing, do it quickly, make it so on the MONEY and see it just explode?

Stop WORRYING about all of the things you could do.

Get your idea out.

Give it a title.

Write or speak from the heart about what it is and why it's awesome.


Edit, rinse, repeat.

THIS is how I do so much, how I launch so much, how I create so much and yep also how I MAKE so much. I don't WORK more than anybody else, I don't have my stuff packaged UP any better, I just got off my ass and starting getting my stuff OUT there and stopped worrying if it was good enough or if it was right.

I just focused like a LASER on what I wanted to bring to life rather than on all of the 'shoulds' of doing that.

YOU can do this as well.

You CAN get your message out there, fast, and make a helluva lot of a difference AND a ton of moolah doing so, and you can do it pretty much from where you are NOW.


And here's the thing -

You can TOTALLY do this yourself. YOU JUST HAVE TO DO IT.

Remember -

Life is Now. Press Play.

Kat x

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