The Perfect Close Comes From a Sensational Open

What if I was to tell you there is a better way - a way to relate to your customer, talk with them, listen, truly connect and then offer them your product and they say "YES"?
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Have you heard the one about the retail travel agent who had such a fear of money that when her first client to book a business class ticket gave her $8000 cash she stood up, tripped over the desk drawer, had her derrière up in the air, managed to get carpet burn, but did not drop a single dollar.

Yep - that was me!

15 years later after that embarrassing incident, my sales career has done a full circle. I have trained retail teams internationally, ran classes for corporations, entrepreneurs and coaches and have a 100% conversion rate from enquiries in my own business.


So what has changed? Obviously lots of experience and training for myself, but over the years I have developed my own process...and it works!

Years ago we were taught a process - a step-by-step formula that didn't allow for personalization. The steps were drummed into us - ask one question, then move onto the next. A McDonalds "would you like fries with that" process, for lots of people and companies that worked. In trainings and seminars there was a heavy focus on how to close the sale as that was seen as the biggest gap for sales people.

The truth is a perfect close actually comes from a sensational open.

The most common mistakes I see in sales include:

1. Giving all the information and then don't ask for the sale. This is crazy! The potential customer will simply call someone else, feel fully informed and when asked for the sale it is an easy decision as you have done all the groundwork.

2. Talking to everybody, talking to nobody. This point is particularly for entrepreneurs who believe they can do everything for everyone - you are not being a specialist, you are a jack-of-all-trades. Be specific - have a specific audience and a specific offer.

3. The price is not right for your customer. If you have not had the conversations to really understand what your customer wants you may be offering the wrong product.

4. A lot of step-by-step processes do not allow for conversation - and don't treat the customer with the respect and individual attention they deserve. Every customer is not the same - treat them as individuals, read their body language, let them talk and listen for their questions and hesitations.

A lot of people go into business to work in their passion or the craft they have mastered, yet when reality hits, they have all the "t's" crossed and "i's" dotted but they hear crickets - nobody is buying.

The truth is that the word "sales" makes them feel icky, slimy or maybe salesy or pushy.

What if I was to tell you there is a better way - a way to relate to your customer, talk with them, listen, truly connect and then offer them your product and they say "YES"

In our proven sales process I have used an acronym because just like the step-by-step processes, we all want something that is easy to remember. The word to remember is "INSPIRED"

Specific Questioning
Reveal product
Expose or uncover objections
Deal - ask for the deal - close the sale!

It really is simple.
The main components that make this different to other sales processes and sets you up for success are:
* Navigation; you are getting "the elephant out of the room" - you are letting the customer know "at the end I am going to let you know of the products that suit your needs"
* Progression; you are questioning the customer about what it will look like after they have experienced your product - what would make it a perfect experience for them
* Interact; repeat back their needs - this shows that you have been truly listening to their needs and wants so that you can get it right for them.

If you would like to hear more details about this process plus receive a full copy of the process for your own sales, listen into The Perfect Close Summit this week. Abbie Joseph-Harrington has interviewed 24 sales experts and she includes everything you need to know to turn more prospects into paying customers, build better sales relationships, and close sales with heart-centered integrity. Click here to take advantage of this free event: The Perfect Close Summit.

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