The Journey Is the Destination

Look at your life and think about just one part that you'd love to reinvent and go for it.
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How's your summer been? What have you done to steal a little extra time and reflect, act upon or contemplate a little or big reinvention in your life? What's been your inspiration? A place you visited on holidays, a beautiful sunset? Nurturing your soul is what it's all about.

Whether it was a real vacation or carved out pieces of time to indulge yourself, consider yourself lucky and relish in what you did for yourself. After all, the journey of our life is the destination we're trying to get to and the road is paved with the experiences, sights and moments that make it so special.

Sometimes we hear ourselves "complaining" about how little time we have for ourselves and how "overworked" or pulled we are in hundreds of directions. But certain things count and we have to own them -- driving in the car while singing to the radio, a nice long hot shower, a walk down six-flights of stairs, a trip to the manicurist, driving the kids to school and listening to their stories, a game of cards with friends or cooking a new delicious recipe for the family... the little things add up so it's time to figure out what those "moments" are and really appreciate their place and value in your life and in your journey.

Are you allowing yourself these small indulgences and better yet, recognizing their value in your everyday life?

Make a list of 10 things that put a smile on your face or nurtured your soul in the last few weeks. You'd be surprised at how much you take for granted. Notice where they were, who you were with and why they made you feel good.

Now make a list of 10 things that you want to do in the next few weeks that will realistically fit into your life routine but will make you appreciate the small indulgences that you create for yourself.

This is your journey, so map it out and make it yours. Give yourself something to smile about. Our happiness IS the destination, so go for it and create your journey!

Enjoy and Happy Reinventing!

Some inspired quotes -

"A good plan is like a road map: It shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there."
H. Stanley Judd

"It's not the destination that matters. It's the change of scene."
-Brian Eno

"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome."
-Arthur Ashe

"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination."
-Carl Rogers

Look at your life and think about just one part that you'd love to reinvent and go for it. Share your stories, your successes, your fears and your process. We want to hear it all and share with others so that they feel inspired to go where they've not yet dared to go.

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Enjoy and Happy Reinventing!

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