'Who' Or 'What' Is Holding You Back? Reinventing Your Life...

Do you wish and wait and watch others pass you by OR do you take charge of your life and create what you want?
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Some of us stumble upon things in our lives and transition from one thing to the next - jobs, relationships, and health.

Others create those changes, consciously, deliberately and with intent - there's fear, there's trepidation, there's a sense of adventure.

Which category do you fall into? Do you wish and wait and watch others pass you by OR do you take charge of your life and create what you want?

Do you wish you could make a bold step and create something new in your life or break out of your comfort zone and be "one of them"?

What is it that holds you back from taking that leap? Or more importantly, those first few baby steps?

Is someone holding you back? Are you surrounded with people who tell you it would be ridiculous to try to lose that much weight, or switch careers or pursue a talent you've never been involved with, or save money for that extravagant trip that you've always dreamed of? Or "you could never do that!"

Is there a fear of trying new things, a panic that comes over you to get out of that comfort zone, rather than a sense of adventure?

These are all normal feelings but at some point we have to realize that we can be the victim of this (and those circumstances and people really don't care), or we can pursue the things we truly want and overcome those obstacles and "show them!"

I've been an entrepreneur my whole life, running a Marketing and PR agency - started at the age of 24 and never looked back. As a young woman, facing the "man's world" and the heaping challenges that could have thrown me back into the arms of corporate America, security and a steady paycheck, how many times do you think I was told "it couldn't be done," "you'll never get that business," "why don't you just do something steady?"

Now what fun would that have been? Not only have I created what I love to do, done what I want with companies and clients that I thoroughly enjoy, but I've been the boss of me since I started working! Reinventing has been the name of the game every day of my life - shifting and moving with the highs and lows of business, figuring out how to prioritize my children and family life, creating down time for me with the tenacious work and travel schedule so that I have right balance and feel energized by both, cultivating my creative side with fulfilling hobbies and interests.

If you can't put yourself and your inner voice first, you'll never be able to forge the path you need to get where you're trying to go. With that inner strength, certainty and courage, it will be a lot easier to face those who say "you can't possibly be considering that career move or hobby or new relationship." Those naysayers will become noise, perhaps even cease to play a role in your life. You have to have conviction in what you want to create for yourself and it really doesn't matter what anyone else's opinion is, unless it will directly hurt and affect them.

Most people lack the courage to make bold steps and changes in their lives. It scares them, intimidates them and they'd rather stay right where they are.

Ever tried putting on a pair of rose-colored glasses and seeing the world through a different lense? Now's the time to do this.

Start to recognize the things that are holding you back, the people that don't support your dream. Identify them, recognize the role they're playing in your reinvention and find a way to stop placing value or giving them a voice in your head. Whether it's a situation or a person, every obstacle is YOUR challenge to overcome.

Go out there and CREATE IT! Reinvent yourself, your perspective and your life - it's yours!

People have always told me I'm so lucky...well, it hasn't been luck, I created it.

Some key pointers in moving through this phase of your reinvention journey:

• Identify the challenges that are disabling the lifestyle you're seeking
• Isolate the challenges and learn to compartmentalize them
• Analyze why and how they're impacting you
• Explore scenarios for minimizing and reducing these challenges
• Explore how you deal with the challenges when they come up and how you feel
• Come up with a list of options and solutions for changing the course
• Develop a list of ways to buffer and or soften the feelings (take a walk, whistle, a hot bath, call a friend, quit, break-up, speak your mind, be honest with yourself....)
• Invite beauty and things that make you happy into your life to provide a sense of balance
• Know your worth and your capability as a human being (find someone to remind you if you've lost sight)
• Understand your sense of entitlement

Some quotes that I love to share:

The harder I work, the luckier I get.

Thomas Jefferson

When we are sure that we are on the right road there is no need to plan our journey too far ahead. No need to burden ourselves with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar our progress. We cannot take more than one step at a time.

Orison Swett Marden - American author and founder of Success magazine

As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.

Michael Jordan

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.

Victor Kiam, an American entrepreneur, owner of New England Patriots

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