What's Your Story?

I love other people's stories. I see a family , a woman eating alone, a man in a biz suit, two friends chatting, a group of teenagers hanging out... and I'm curious.
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I love other people's stories. I see a family , a woman eating alone, a man in a biz suit, two friends chatting, a group of teenagers hanging out... and I'm curious. Who are they, where are they from, what have they endured, who have they inspired, what's been their contribution to humanity or community, are they happy or sad, coming or going, simple or complex, where were they born, where are they headed, what do they think about, what's their story???

Not everything and everyone is as they appear and behind everything we see is some kind of story, anecdote, history, future, nuggets of what I deem to be interesting...

All around us there are stories -- they just show up in different ways -- songs, ads, social messages, movies, TV shows, photographs.

By nature, we are curious human beings and thus the ongoing interest in stories.

Everyone is a story, they are the center of their story, the Protagonist -- each and everyone of us. We bring our own self-working, emotions and experiences to all that is around us and everyone we interact with and it shapes how we perceive and experience our worlds.

The little anecdotes that are our lives are either gone unnoticed or become headlines... or somewhere in between, and they're all little stories.

Have you ever looked at a house on your street and wondered who lives there? Watched a little old lady walking down the street and wondered what her long life sorry can tell -- history, joys, observations, wisdoms, heartbreak, moments of courage? The man sitting with his two boys having breakfast -- is it just another day in their routine or is this the special monthly breakfast with divorced parents?

I'm always curious, I love to wonder and weave stories and tales in my mind and then wonder how right or wrong my hunch is about what I'm observing?

As I go about my busy day with my very busy mind, it never ceases to amaze me the room for this imaginative thought. It's a game of sorts and is probably the reason I don't mind chatting with strangers.

So next time you glance at the old man crossing the road, that teenager with her friends giggling over a coffee at Starbucks, that sad lady on the phone in the middle of a shopping center, the young man at the grocery checkout, the clerk helping you at the yogurt store...everyone has a story -- they're the protagonist in their life and just maybe we're playing a supporting role in their story.

Aren't you a bit curious?

What's your story? Are you living the story you want your life to be? It's never too late to Reinvent your life in a myriad of ways.

Share your stories, feedback, anecdotes - I'd love to include them in my blog and website -visit our website and join the conversation - www.TheReinventionExchange.com;
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