Who's The Real Racist? Where's the True Sexist? Let's Get a Grip!

Accidental offense is not the same as intentional insult. We need to get these differences clear in our minds and demand the same of the press.
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What are racism and sexism? Is there a continuum starting at the point where sexist or racist inclinations are nonexistent? Then moving along it we find a preference to work and associate with people of one's own race and gender. Is that racism/sexism yet? Next might be making subtle derogatory comments or joking put-downs about someone's gender or race. Are we there? And then we might find efforts to block or undermine success with false claims and accusations. Then we come to hateful, spiteful efforts at ruination of career or aspirations all because the person is another color or of the opposite sex.



Now, where along this continuum are Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?

From what I've observed of the candidates and studied about racism and sexism, Obama is not a sexist or racist. And Hillary is neither of these as well. The same can be said for both of them about ageism. The entire ruse has been generated largely by the MSM. They irresponsibly leap from innocuous and misspoken comments to suggestions or accusations of sexism, racism or ageism. Surely there have been gray area, ill-advised comments about gender, for example, but these don't necessarily imply that the source is a sexist. He or she may simply be interpersonally incompetent or an idiot.

A racist, sexist or ageist president is an intolerable outcome. And, to the extent that presidential candidates gratuitously insult others in this fashion or allow their staffers to do so, they disgrace themselves and debase the people who are most likely to be targets of actual close-minded, hateful, behavior born of these despicable states of mind.

And let me just add - these are enduring states of mind. It's possible to talk to an elderly person as if he or she is a child, and be a clod but not ageist. Accidental offense is not the same as intentional insult. We need to get these differences clear in our minds and demand the same of the press. Otherwise they get to use our emotions against us.

So both candidates better get off of this track fast. And personally, I don't care who goes first. It will take more than defensive moves by Clinton and Obama showing how race, gender and age sensitive they've been over their careers. It will take the courage to say:


And were they to say it together, they'd not only demonstrate Democratic Party integrity, but also avoid handing the White House to a Republican.

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