Still Looking for the Perfect Social Media Management Tool?

Today's internet savvy consumers can within seconds of walking into your business, tweet about their experiences, good or bad, and if keeping up with what's being said about you online isn't enough, add to the mix, managing the conversations and the content your customers consume.
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What do you look for in a Social Media Marketing tool? Are you concerned with pricing, usability, support? All of the above?

As a Social Media manager I know that finding the right tools can be a never ending struggle and for many businesses, managing their Social Media Marketing and more importantly, their online reputation and relationships are crucial!

Today's internet savvy consumers can within seconds of walking into your business, tweet about their experiences, good or bad, and if keeping up with what's being said about you online isn't enough, add to the mix, managing the conversations and the content your customers consume.

In the end finding one tool that can do that and more, can prove to be a serious challenge.

Luckily for us the kind folks over at G2 Crowd, a website that boasts over 42,000 unbiased user reviews, took the time to assess four of the market's tops Social Media Management tools and to give us some crucial insight into where we might start our search.

The tools reviewed were Hootsuite, AgoraPulse, SproutSocial and Sendible. Each company was rated in eight categories. Take a look at the infographic below to see how they ranked.

Infographic brought to you by Seriously Social and G2 Crowd

In the end this survey proves that in today's market, social media managers really do have a choice when it comes to picking the perfect social media management tool. Which one is your favorite?

This review was previously posted in part at

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