Looking at Footage of Hurricane Patricia While Considering Ordering Fried Chicken Made Me Question My Life

Adding to that headline, I also felt like an insane jerkoff. Seriously, this chicken thing was a very big decision for me. You see, I had just ended a great night with my fiancée and a friend, and had a fantastic meal beforehand.
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Adding to that headline, I also felt like an insane jerkoff. Seriously, this chicken thing was a very big decision for me. You see, I had just ended a great night with my fiancée and a friend, and had a fantastic meal beforehand. Like, really good. So, after the meal and some wonderful sangria in Jersey City, we parted ways and my lady and I went back home just a few blocks away. And then the (second) hunger set in.

Did I want some bodega eats? Perhaps some pizza? Who knew! Sadly, most of the markets and corner stores were closed in our neck of the city so delivery was my only option. (Honestly, was I going to walk 10 minutes to the open market? Hell no!) Anyway, delivery seemed like the way to go.

City Diner, a fantastic eatery located in Jersey City. That was where I would find my (second) dinner for the night. Scrolling down the menu, only one thing caught my eye -- fried chicken. Unfortunately, being that it was rather late at night -- and, if I didn't mention, I had already eaten dinner -- my decision to purchase yet another meal was, well, undecided.

Back and forth I went. To buy or not to buy, that was indeed the question -- one I went both ways with for quite some time. Ultimately, I went for the chicken and ordered away. And while I was thrilled with the choice (until the next morning, that is), when I hopped online to check out the news for the day, well, let's just say I had a minor existential crisis.

If you haven't heard of Hurricane Patricia, I urge you to either: A) not look it up because it'll only depress the hell out of you, or B) try and appreciate the small things before you do so.

Anyhow, this goddamn hurricane was huge. And I mean that as if Donald Trump were saying that -- huuuuuuge.

In fact, it was fucking terrifying.

I scrolled through my twitter feed to find video after video of this massive storm, one that amassed 160 mph winds, blowing cars off of the very road from its mighty gusts. Really, it's reportedly the biggest storm on record and was crippling Mexico. With this, it was then I found myself thinking, "holy shit, was I just bitching about buying or not buying fried chicken while these people in Mexico were losing their homes?"

The answer, if you hadn't caught on, was yes.

Because of this, I realized I needed to take a true grasp on the way I saw my life, to appreciate those little things that I have, to enjoy every moment to its fullest and really learn to take notice to life's small miracles because the truth is we never know what can happen each and every day.

During this life-questioning moment, time passed and my buzzer eventually rang. My chicken arrived -- and it was delicious.

Bone by bone, I began devouring the hell out of two of the legs, one in each hand. When I managed to raise my eyes over the bucket and clear my head from the greasy fog I had put it in, I saw once again the wrath of Hurricane Patricia. Awe-stricken, I saw no other choice but to slowly close my laptop in shame and go back to my wonderful -- oh-so-wonderful -- fried chicken.

And, of course, finish every bit of it and pass out in a grease-filled haze of self-loathing and entitlement.

Kyle Dowling is an Associate Editor at MStars News.

Check out more of his work at www.KDowling.com.

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