Six-Word Memoirs: New Year's Resolutions (PHOTOS)

Six-Word Memoirs
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I don't know of a better way to describe the more than 400,000 Six-Word Memoirs that readers have shared on at SMITH Magazine and SMITHteens than to call it a torrent of self-expression. The teens especially go nuts for the form--many have written thousands of six-worders. From the teens to the oldsters, I'm continually surprised and inspired by how funny, thoughtful, weird, and deep things get in this world of short storytelling.

At the heart of the Six-Word Memoir project is that tight parameters force us to rein in our wandering, often undisciplined minds and choose our words wisely. Whether you're a third-grader answering the question, "Who am I?" or a veteran returning home from war trying to figure out, "What just happened?" the Six-Word Memoir is a catalyst that helps people of all ages and experiences get started telling their story.

As our thoughts turn to the year ahead, we asked readers for their plans, hopes, dreams, motivations, and mistakes they hoped not to repeat in 2011--all in just six words. Here are 11 Six-Word Resolutions for 2011. Share yours in the comments area below or over at SMITH Magazine's Six-Word Memoir project, where we also offer six-word themes on motherhood, the digital life, happiness, and many more.

Eat nothing larger than my head.


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