10 Unconventional Ways to Use Writing to Help Your Business

Next time you write or blog, think about these more unconventional ways to make your writing come alive to help support your business:
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During my years as an entrepreneur I've learned the importance of writing for my business, even though that business is a healing business. Finding my voice, the one that hated all the conventional writing rules, was a breakthrough. Using it, a challenge. Becoming my fiercely alive whole self on the page no matter how others told me it should be done...priceless.

There are a ton of awesome copy writing courses out there that'll teach you how to write like a pro for business. Check out Lauren Zink's program, Conquer Your Copy, or Marie Forleo's class, The Copy Cure - they'll give you huge secrets to writing great copy.

I'm interested in the less obvious, totally soulful, and just-as-impactful ways you can use writing to share your gifts, whatever they may be, with the world.

You love to write. You do it every day. You want to make your mark in the world with your words and achieve your big dreams. There are some great ways you can do these very things without having to worry about all the traditional copy writing or business rules.

This's more about discovering yourself.

It's about healing.

And it's about the attitude and energy you bring to the page.

Traditional writing for business is boring. So formal and uptight. Not authentic. The only way we allow our writing to speak for our soul is to be real. It's the only way what we're doing feels good and in the end, brings success. Both Lauren and Marie will tell you that if you aren't being real, nobody is going to buy what you have to offer.

Next time you write or blog, think about these more unconventional ways to make your writing come alive to help support your business:

1. Be excited. If you're not enthusiastic about what you're writing about we'll feel it. So please, pick topics that turn you on. Like really turn you on.

2. Know what you're about. The only way to pick a topic that turns you on is to actually know what turns you on. It pays to spend some time thinking about this. Start a notebook of topics, ideas, people, subjects, food, places, and quotes that you love. Write about that!

3. Relate what turns you on back to your business. There are a million ways you can turn the topics you love into something about what you do. Be creative. Use quotes, stories, and examples that help us understand who you are and what you do and how those are related.

4. Pay attention to how you feel. If you are tired, grumpy, sad, depressed or mad, guess what, it doesn't matter if you're writing about puppies, chocolate cake or a walk on the beach, your mood will come through onto the page. Do a feels check before you begin to write.

5. Keep a "Brilliant Ideas" journal. Many times my writing ideas come in the middle of the day, in the middle of something I'm doing, saying, working on, etc... I have notebooks everywhere for just such an occasion. Don't miss an opportunity to write down awesome ideas as they come into your brain. This is your intuition at work and she's only going to tell you once, so pay attention!

6. Be brave with your writing. Most of the time it's the thing you are afraid to talk about that everyone needs to hear. When I've been brave with my writing, people engage. They want to be brave too. If you go first, you're the trailblazer, and people will pay attention to what you're up to.

7. Let your writing heal you. I've used writing as a healing practice my whole life. That takes discipline and courage, but mostly awareness. Don't zone out with your writing. Stay present, mindful, and focused...your intention is everything when it comes to discovering yourself on the page.

8. Stay in your body when you write. Because writing is such a left brain activity it pays to stay more focused on balancing right with left by being in your body when you write. How? By feeling what's going on. Watch the thoughts, sensations, feelings and emotions you have during the process. There's a lot of information coming through the feeling senses and we can use it to our advantage if we stay awake to it.

9. Don't censor yourself. Let your light, mojo and personality shine through when you write. As soon as you start writing for someone else, you'll lose your edge. It's YOUR voice we want to hear. When you begin to change your voice based on what you think everyone else wants to hear, then you aren't being real, and we'll know it.

10. Take a moment to center, ground and relax before you begin writing. Arrive in your body and connect with the creative energy that's part of you. Thank it. Honor it. That source loves when you love what you're doing and are present and grateful inside of love, joy, bliss and rapture. You'll be rewarded with more of what you love by focusing on that and we'll feel it in your words, which will make us want what you have!

Join me in the comments where I'd love to hear more about your writing process. What struggles do you have? What turns you on? What are your big dreams? And if you're ready to do some warrior writing, join me for my FREE 10 Day Warrior Writing Challenge starting Oct 1st. Five minutes a day is all I ask! Find that at www.LauraProbert.com

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